Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Two New Crochet Today Patterns!

Yes, even though I've been a bit out of it as of late I have nonetheless still managed to push out a few patterns here and there. My latest designs for Crochet Today...

How about that adorable dino hat and those floppy bunny ears? Cute eh? And easy peasy to crochet too!

Next up, a ghoulish treat bag...

I rather like this little green dude. Also an easy crochet!

Shipping new designs this week for future issues of Crochet Today as well as for a friend's upcoming book...


  1. Love the hair, love the patterns, love the happy that is coming from you. Hugs.

  2. I have to say of all the crocheter in Crochet Today!...your patterns are the ones I can't wait for every month! I love them cause their not "Grandma Crochet"...Their kooky...just the way I like them!!

  3. You have so much talent, Regina! I always get excited when I see your patterns in print! Keep up the good work!

  4. Fabulous! I'd love that dinosaur hat for myself... :)

  5. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Those are excellent patterns. What child wouldn't want a Head of Frankenstein for a halloween treasure bucket?

  6. Very cute!
    P.S. I need to learn to crochet for real (not just edgings on my knitting) - your skeleton is amazing!!

  7. BABY! I'm just catching up on all that's gone on in the last (5? 6?) months - HOLY MOLY. I bow to your greatness. Seriously. I admire you for your strength and pluck and sheer unwillingness to be manipulated. I'd say a prayer for you, but (1) YOU DON'T NEED IT; and (b) (i doubt that god would listen to me). But really, your strength is positively overwhelming and inspiring.

    That having been said, *LOVE* the hats!!!!! I want a dino hat (and I know WeeMonkey would want a pink bunny hat!) Every time I see your designs, I think, I really should crochet.

    Strong work, and congratulations!

  8. Congratulations Regina! I would like to be a child again and wear one of those!

  9. Woohoo - the photo of your hats was featured in the new edition of the British mag Simply Knitting - but best of all, the feature was telling us that Crochet Today is now on sale in the UK.

  10. If you need a new project, please check out my blog for a great idea !!

  11. I just came across this blog and seriously, I bought that magazine just a few days ago and the ONLY reason I bought it was because of those cute hats. Good job.

  12. Love the bunny ears hat! I have just begun learning to crochet and it looks like something even I could tackle! Yay!

  13. Love the pattern! Beautiful!

  14. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Wow! I just googled dino hat crochet today to see if I could find this image to show to a friend, to show her what I had made... I never expected to find the blog of the original designer!

    I am a brand-new crocheter, and this is only my second or third project, but I was able to do it and it looked great! The spikes took me a bit of sorting out, but once I "got it", it made total sense.

    Just had to add my "great design" congratulations!


  15. Anonymous9:17 PM

    The minute I saw this pattern, (dinosaur hat) I just knew I had to make it for my 3yo son. I just finished up the hat, and I am about to start on the spikes. I am a little confused..... the direction after the dash on row 1. Can you explain.
    Thanks again for all the GREAT patterns !

  16. Anonymous12:53 PM

    I tried to post earlier but it didn't go through. Sorry if this is a duplicate.......

    I love love love the dino hat !!! The minute I saw it, I just knew I had to make it for my 3yo son ! I made the hat last night BUT I got stuck on the spikes. Can you explain what the directions are after the -

    Thanks !!

  17. Ah! I've been working on a dinosaur hat for my niece off and on for awhile now off my own pattern. Very similar overall, but I made an ear-flapped hat, and it'll have eyes and teeth in addition to the spikes. I really need to finish it soon...

    Anyhow, great stuff! I just found your blog and I really enjoy it. It seems like few people crochet these days, and most crochet patterns that I find just don't seem appealing at all. Your stuff is very accessible though, and it inspires me to crochet more.

  18. CraftyKnitter33 - Please email me your question. ladylinoleum at hotmail dot com

  19. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Beautiful blog y have. First time here, a good writer as well. Really different.

  20. Wow! It looks so fun to wear specially for little kids! Great Job! I like it!
