I love you all, but man, the memes!
Okay, this meme-ola satifies both tags bestowed upon me by Jessi and Beth:
If you want to participate the chain-letter part works like this: remove the blog at #1 from the following list and bump every one up one place; add your blog's name in the #5 spot; just check to make sure the links are still attached if you copy n' paste.
1) Yea, I knit...
2) Yarn Obsession
3) Yarns and Musings
4) Addicted To Crochet
5) Monster Crochet
Five Things I Miss From Childhood:
1) Going shopping and to lunch with my mother, my maternal grandmother and my younger sister, Stephanie, every Wednesday during our summer vacations from grade school.
2) School House Rock
3) Viewing the world with a fresh lens.
4) Going to Carmel, CA with my mom, dad and sister EVERY SINGLE SUMMER for vacation.
5) Hearing my dad's laughter.
I'm not going to tag anyone and bad luck seems to be my theme for this year, so what's a little more???
If anyone else tagged me and I've forgotten, just let me know!
I grew up in Carmel. That's definitely a thing I miss.