Thursday, January 19, 2006

LabLinoleum Lurkers

Do you lurk about the green linoleum floors of this here lab, I mean blog, late at night without so much as a hi, how's it going oh Lady of the Linoleum flooring?

Well, stop it!

Leave me a comment and let me know you're out there. OR check out my sidebar and make your mark on my Frappr map!

Peeps, I know it's difficult to fathom, but I actually stop by all of the blogs on my sidebar and I found a good many of them through my commentation (Drew's word, I stole it). And let me tell ya, you guys are making some inspirational stuff and I am fortunate to be able to participate in your bloggy worlds.

C'mon you want a little LinoleumLove right???


  1. I'm here!!!! I've been reading and enjoying the entries - particularly the ones where you talk about how you come up with your creations. Some would rather keep that info to themselves and I think it's wonderful of you to share. (I kept picturing those steaks on my George Foreman Grill after being in a marinade overnight).

  2. hi
    i am out here!the crawling eye movie arrived yesterday. we are gonna watch monster movies all weekend (50 movies in 1 DVD set!!!)

  3. Hi, LadyL! I've been reading your blog for awhile now, and have you added to my bloglines. I also have a link to you on my blog. So please come pay me a visit if you get a chance!

  4. Oh, I forgot to leave you an easy link to my blog:

  5. hello there,
    catching up on your news.
    love the tomatoes and the snow flakes

  6. I'm always here. I don't comment much cause it takes so long on dial-up to load yor pictures, the comment window takes forever!

  7. Love the tomatoes, are they your army of defenders? They look pretty mean and red.

  8. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Hiya Lady L. Your monsters are inspiring. Very strange and a bit funny and wacky, I like them. :)

    I'm not actively blogging at the moment, but I do actively check the blogs in my bloglines, and you're one of them. :D

  9. Anonymous8:16 PM

    I am commenting and I have Frappr'd you. I am a well behaved blog reader tonight, you caught me at a good time. :o) Bloglines is great but it does increase the lazy commenter quotient I'm sure. At least, I know it does in my case.

  10. Anonymous9:06 PM

    i got to your blog through yarnstorm; and got to yarnstorm through someone mentnioning her problems with a particular yarn bleeding colors.

    i'm loving your site, what i can see of it. for some reason, probably because there is so much to see, it won't all load on my p.c. at home. i might go to the library tomorrow and pay them the two dollars they charge for internet use for non card holders.
    i go through a phase every year when i crochet hats almost non stop for a while, when the weather is cool i once crochet an armadillo , making up the pattern as i went...aand i too love vintage patterns books.
    do ya crochet lace?
    more later; after i read more of your posts; p.s. love the turban in progress, can't wait to see it finished

  11. Commentingly commenting commetifyingly with much commentation.

  12. Anonymous10:22 PM

    I'm a lurker. But consider me present and accounted for.

  13. Well if you ask me, I think you are going to drown in a sea of comments...

    Thanks for delurking at my blog, BTW, which has nowhere near the interesting stuff yours does :)

  14. Anonymous1:59 AM

    Hi...I didn't realize it was bad to read without saying anything. Sorry about that! I really admire your work. You have amazing talent and creativity!

  15. Mmmmmm Meat with Eyeballs!

  16. I often stop by and am continuously amazed at how creative you are! I especially loved the puppets and can't wait to see more!

  17. Ok, I Frappr'd you, now you can Frappr me! (That invitation is extended to anyone else who might care to drop by.)

    You're such a mad crochet genius that I feel compelled to visit every day to see if a new meat-with-eyeballs creation has appeared.

  18. Ok Peeps~~~snicker snicker....I signed your Frappr and so far I am the northernest there.

  19. I'm back into checking everyone out after the holidays. Finally getting back on track.

  20. I just found you recently and I love your site.

  21. I find your work very inspiring. I'm still struggling with basic stuff, but I hope to one day design (and stitch!) my own soft sculptures.

    I usually don't comment on Blogger blogs because of word verification. I'm legally blind and it can take me about 20 minutes to figure out what the word says.

  22. *stares guiltily at the floor* I showed my daughter Prof Rojo, she thinks he rocks. :) She's been bugging me about making some more eyeballs ever since I tested that pattern. She's had so much fun with the one I made. LOL

  23. Lady, you know I patrol your greenness on a regular basis. I am particularly enjoying the tomatoes right now, although my hubby likes the T Bone family -- he's a voracious carnivore. Perhaps I can inspire you with the newest appearances in my veggie garden -- brocolli! They are devilishly coy and beautiful you know...

  24. I'm lurking! Well, now I guess I'm DE-lurking. :)


  25. Hi!

    I'm ashamed of how easy I fall into the skim-through-Bloglines-without commenting-trap. I do love your blog and all of your creations!

  26. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Hey there! I'm still reading and enjoying your blog! My blog suffered some very unfortunate technical difficulties-which is why it is no longer available. So I wasn't sure if I could still comment on yours, but apparently, I can! Keep up the great work, you mad woman, you!

  27. I am absolutely in love with your talent!!! I'm currently looking for your your 'items for sale'. Unless you took them down, I can no longer locate them. My 13 yr old nephew just loves your work. Thanks for sharing your talent with the rest of us!

  28. I jumped on the map. You can come leave your mark on mine if you want.
    I also updated so you can see if it meets with your approval.

  29. Hey Lady! I think I caught a virus from your site...all I can think about are crochet jellyfish now!!! ;)

    I have a baby of my own that I hooked up today. (

    Thanks for sooo much inspiration!


  30. Anonymous11:15 PM

    I don't remember if I have ever commented. So, Hello!!!

  31. Are you kidding?? This blog is how I end my day.....wonder what's she up to now...I wouldn't be able to sleep if I didn't check in lol!! Thanks for a great time!!!!

  32. Are you kidding?? This blog is how I end my day.....wonder what's she up to now...I wouldn't be able to sleep if I didn't check in lol!! Thanks for a great time!!!

  33. Hi there....I enjoy your site tremendously. I'm always looking for new crocheting ideas...and you've got plenty!

  34. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I always read your site. I subscribe with bloglines, and I don't always comment... So I comment now for you. Love Love Love!!!

  35. I'm here, but a week behind as per usual!

  36. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I'm not a lurker, but heck, I'll post here anyway! I love popping over here for my dose of linole-love and monster crochet... Come by my place anytime!

  37. I love your stuff! Mention of the Bacon Wrap helped me get a job!! =]
