Friday, February 03, 2006

Happy Birthday Lena!

This Sunday we will celebrate 13 years of her life. Magdalena, or Lena as she is called, is as gorgeous as she is goofy, as comedic as she is compassionate, as wise as she is playful, a creative mind to be reckoned with.

This daughter of my soul has been my artful companion since her conception. Always by my side in body and spirit, Lena accompanied me to my studio as a grad student and later to my classes where I would teach the art of making, the pair of us day-trippin’ through the fields of squishy paint flowers touching the creative recesses of hearts and minds in our midst. Looking back, I now know that this child of mine was taking everything in. She inhaled every word, every image, every drop of paint, every particle of graphite, every pinch of clay, yes, every fiber of yarn, every shred of dialog, every moment infused with blossoming creativity as if myriad seeds planted directly into the core of her being. And the seeds took root. And sprouted stems and leaves and flowers and more seeds…Whether nurture or nature, though I’d hazard a guess that both play a part, Magdalena is the most amazing creative mind I’ve ever had the privilege to meet, and this is not just proud mom speak. Take a look at the art that this child creates:

Sculpey monster.

Purplish bag of her own design.

Yes, it is lined.

Green clutch of her own design.

Also lined.

Above she sports a scarf and headband of her own design.

My beloved Lena is astounding to me. She is unceasingly inspirational. Her lovely smile, sweet laughter and abundance of creative energy are a daily reminder of my purpose on the planet.

Happy Birthday Magdalena Rae! I love you from the deepest recesses of my soul to the tips of my fingers and toes!


  1. Happy Birthday, Lena! And to mom...look out! She is beautiful! You'll be beating back the boys knocking on the door for her in a few years! Lena, your creations are beautiful too and I don't doubt that you will become as talented as Mom.

    By the way, Lena, what do you think of some of Mom's creations?

    Hugs to you both and welcome to the teenage years, Lena! Enjoy them as much as possible and don't be in a hurry to grow up. Before you know it, those teenage years will be gone.

  2. Happy Birthday, little beauty!
    (thanks regina, you just made me ball my eyes out, lol.)

  3. Like Mother, like Daughter

  4. Happy Birthday! You do Great art, Lena. :)

  5. Happy birthday! That sculpey monster is soo cute!

  6. Birthday wishes to your budding artist!!! I love her work!!!

  7. Happy Birthday Lena! She is gorgeous (of course!). It does amaze me how quickly time goes by-cherish it now mom!

  8. Happy Birthday Lena! I love your purple purse. :)

  9. so cute and talented!

    happy birthday to your girl!

  10. Happy (belated) Birthday!


    she's so pretty. i was very excited that i got to meet her last night.

    that monster is sooo cool.

  12. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I can feel your pride coming through! Aren't daughters the best! Happy Birthday to your very creative and lovely daughter! May you have many more wonderful years together artfully conspiring! :)

  13. Happy Birthday Miss Lena!

    I love that her creative talent has been encouraged so much! What luck having an artist mom to feed her.

  14. Lena Doll! You are fantabulous! Love that purple purse! It was really fun having you visit us last night at the WeHo SnB. Come back often!!!

    Hugs on your B-day!
    L.A. Ell

  15. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Happy Birthday Lena! You're very talented, I'd be thrilled to have either one of those bags. Great job!

  16. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Happy Birthday, Lena (such a gorgeous name)!

    Such talent and creativity in this family! Adopt me, so it will rub off?

  17. Happy birthday Lena and Lena's mom...

    The nut.......errrr apple... don't fall far from the tree!

  18. Feb. 5th birthdays rock! (my littlest will be 5 on Sunday).

    Happy Birthday Lena!

  19. Good for you for celebrating and encouraging your daughters creativity! My mum did the same for me and it's the one thing I hold most dear above all else.

    Happy Birthday Lena :)

  20. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Happy Birthday Lena!! And congratulations, mom!

  21. Happy Birthday Ms. Lena! Your beautiful and your art is georgous! If we lived in the days of arranged marrage, i'd be introducing my son to you.... :)

  22. this is my first time here
    and what a great time to stop by!
    that was a beautifully written post
    to a beautiful and obviously
    very talented daughter...

    happy birthday
    and i'll definately be back

  23. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Happy Birthday, Lena! Wishing you many more happy years of creating and making wonderful things.

  24. Happy Birthday Lena from the land downunder..Your work looks fabulous, just like your mums...the monster crochet site is just Awesome..

  25. first...i had no idea her name was magdalena!! how cool is that? way too cool. she is destined to be a star. she already is a pint sized star, but...and lining? i know that you always check, as soon as someone shows you something they have made...nice..lining...and maybe a pocket, too? i am a non-kid-having sort of gal, but seeing amazing kids and amazing moms like you make me think it would be cool. of course, if i had a kid, it would probably be my mother reborn in a smaller poop filled body. sigh.

  26. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Gorgeous *and* talented! A belated happy birthday, Lena!
