Sunday, June 04, 2006


At this point you are all probably aware that after making my Monday through Friday, nine to five pilgrimage to the cube farm I dedicate a significant part of the remainder of my waking hours to crocheting, knitting and general creative exploits. Sure I also clean, bust open boxes of um, cuisine, for nuclear smelting and do the wife and mom thing. However, I will tell you that this once voracious reader has little time for that endeavor at the moment. And well, hanging out with the homies is taking a back seat to other activities such as oh, um, blocking...

It's my muse. She's a yarn pusher and taskmaster. Always tapping my veins to see if they are imbued with yarn striations. Always cracking the I-cord whip and bewailing me to pull the yarn through the loop at accelerated speeds, "Put some muscle into it, Linoleum!"

I'm telling you, the boss lady means business and she wants to see the gears of my fibrous production pumping. You see, I am merely slave to craft...

Ah yeah, so this girl's got a lot of stuff to block.

Above is the lace weight red orange pixie-inspired shawl I just finished ( I know it looks positively hideous on those towels!). I modified this pattern and now that I've accomplished said endeavor I consider myself ready to tackle a pair of bat wings.

Also, I'm ready to block my knitted grill...

Yes, I am knitting meat as well.

Let it be said that no animals were harmed in the meat knitting or crocheting process...I've been remiss in my duty to set the vegetarian yarn brandishers at ease some time ago. Really, I don't mean to freak you guys out, just give you a chuckle now and again. I think knitted bologna is funny. Yeah, I'm a bit twisted. Like that's news...


  1. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Your knitted meat is hilarious. You make me smile.

  2. Can't wait to see the bat wings ;)
    I love, love, love the shawl as I'm on a shawl kick myself these days.

  3. That shawl is so pretty-

    Love the T-bone!

  4. The shawl and meat are great!

  5. speaking of b-o-l-o-g-n-a, thank goodness for commericals, I saw it being BBQ'd on the Food Channel....seriously, 'they' took the whole shabang, the big thick round thang, and BBQ'd it in some big ole cooker thang, and then sliced and served it on a bun. I can just picture your version with crocheted BBQ sauce dripping off the sides....yummmmmmm!

  6. Anonymous1:40 PM

    But not as awesome as the olive loaf.

  7. Love the shawl, it'll look super draped over your shoulders. & I think we're all partial to bbq'd meat. (even if it is

  8. I'm so in lust with the pixie shawl. It's bea-u-ti-ful.

  9. what can brighten one's day more than a knitted B O L O G N A ?
    nothing in my house. we all wait with garlic breath for your next knit LINO LADY!
    truly, you just totally make our day dear.

  10. gorgeous shawl regina! the meat and grill, so cool!

  11. I can't control my eyes. . . they keep wandering back down to the beautiful fairy wings. . . But the knitted meatstuffs *IS* funny!

  12. Anonymous7:57 PM

    The shawl is lovely, even on the towels. The meat looks like underpants(?). Not that that's a bad thing, just sayin'.
