Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Git yer Jolly Roger on!

There comes a time when a wench just needs to git in touch with her inner pirate. That bein' the case, I made meself this here shawl...

Fortunately my spokesmodel wasn't booked.

The body of the shawl is knitted. Very easy, build it from the bottom up, triangular type of deal using plain ole stockinette, worsted weight yarn (I used Cascade 220) and a size 9 40" circ.

CO 2, k first row
Row 2, pf&b of every st
Row 3, kf&b of first 2 sts, pm, kf&b of last 2 sts
Row 4, p
Row 5, kf&b of first st, in the sts before and after marker and last st of row (4 sts increased)
Repeat rows 4 & 5 until you have 300 sts

Easy, peasy!

This guy...

...not so easy.

First I attempted my friend Rog using intarsia and incorporating him onto the shawl itself. Looked like junkola on the backside of the shawl and can you all say bobbin p0rn? No good.

Next I opted for my applique method, knitting the appliques (there are four there) fair isle, thus avoiding bobbin p0rn. The pieces were just too stretchy. Me no likey.

So, I picked up my H hook and my charts and bingo! Me likey!

Four crocheted intarsia, non-stretchy appliques that adhered to the piece like a dream!

Funny, and cool, offspring walked up behind me as I was sitting on the floor sewing the appliques to the shawl and stated, " mine." Then she turned on her heels and walked away. BEST. REVIEW. EVER.

Copyright 2006 Regina Rioux Gonzalez. All rights reserved.


  1. Ohhh that's fabulous.

  2. Awesome. :) Heck, given the right day I could probably talk DH into wearing that.

    Your art just floors me. I love seeing all of your new FO's and just sit in awe of how your creative mind comes up with these things. It's so warped, in a way that keeps me coming back for more. I'm hooked!!

    PS- your stash must be a knitter's/crocheter's heaven!

  3. Haha...I love that it's a coveted heirloom. Who knew?

  4. That, is wawsome. My husband would probably even wear that shawl. Of course, he'd call it a cape, but he's a boy and they do cute things like that.

    Gods, I need to finish this stockinette tube so I can make something FUN!!!!!

  5. Your shawl rocks!

  6. Oh, that's wonderful! I need that chart so I can make one for my friend Faith, who's a pirate wench if there ever was one. You need to publish your book! Now!

  7. Arrr!!! That be the best pirate shawl ever! There'll be no shiverin' of me timbers in that beauty, to be sure! Ye be a true master artisan, and no mistake! Sorry, couldn't resist the pirate talk, really it's great!

  8. Very Cool! What does it look like on the other side?

  9. Oh girl, you have truly outdone yourself-freaking fantastic! You amaze me all the time.

  10. Anonymous7:46 PM

    I bow down. Nay, I prostrate myself. Dang, woman!

  11. Anonymous7:48 PM


  12. UGH blogger ate my comment. I said something like:

    OHMYGOD! That is SOOO cool! Are you going to offer the pattern for sale? I want to put jolly on an afghan!!!

  13. Totally love it. I would love to be wearing that and nothing else, on a pirate ship with Captain Jack!

  14. Anonymous8:03 PM


  15. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Awesome! I love the creative use if knitting and crochet.

  16. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Although I should insert an appropriate pirate analogy here, I'm speechless. It's awesome.

  17. you never cease to amaze me!

  18. Ha! That is a fantastic shawl. Great work!

  19. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Ohhhhh that rocks !! I just want the same one !

  20. Anonymous5:39 AM

    That's just fabulous! And you're right - no better compliment than someone climing it before you're even done. :)

  21. That turned out fantastic! I see you decided not to felt the skull & crossed sabres. I think the resulting scale of them is perfect.

    Can't wait to make it to the next WeHo SNB! I had a great time and everyone was so fun and friendly.

  22. Anonymous5:42 AM

    My son looked at it with a shocked face and said cool!! You got another hit on your hands!!

  23. If there was ever a shining example of combining Knitting and Crochet into one piece - this is it. Wow.

  24. WOW!! That is the best thing I've ever seen combining knitting and crocheting. You are amazing!

  25. Anonymous7:18 AM

    *jaw drops in awe* I'm speechless.

  26. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Ok, this one is PHYSICALLY painful. Amazing work!!!! You make me want to try my hand at knitting again, and i *KNOW* better than to try fighting with those accursed sticks ever again. You evil tormentor, you!

  27. once again I fall to my knees and weep at your greatness.

    "Easy Peasy?"


  28. How cool! And now you (or the offspring) will always have something to wear on Talk Like a Pirate Day!

  29. That is super bitchin'! Are you planning to ever release the coveted Charts of the Jolly Roger?

  30. I will duel said offspring for that. I think I can take her. . .

  31. as i said before, it's amazing.

    and it's too bad you're already married, because i love you.

  32. Regina! Your skeleton and sword graphics are faboo! Yes, I really like the applique technique the best. Crocheted images rock!

  33. OMG, you guys are great! I am overwhelmed. I don't think I've ever had this many comments so quickly. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    BTW, I've gotten tons of entries from many of you for the O'Lantern contest too. Very cool!!!! I'm having so much fun making this stuff.

    You all inspire me constantly. Smoochies all around!

  34. Anonymous3:27 PM

    That is truly awesome. I must, must, must make one! For my mom. . . my best friend. . . myself. . . oh my!

    ::bows down::

  35. Anonymous3:44 PM

    The kid's right, that is sweet!
    Bonnie Beer Bitch

  36. This is AMAZING! It's so effective!

  37. Awesome! (Did you see the spider web at my blog? It occurred to me you'd get a kick out of it when I was posting it.)

  38. That's one SUPER COOL shawl. Love it big time.

  39. Absolutely incredible ... and Offspring Approved, to boot!

    Great work.

  40. Every time I see your work I say Amazing! But it is! I don't think that you can possibly make anything I love better after each project and you do. You are my favorite crochet artist. Hands down.
    Did I mention that I *love* it.

  41. and your offspring was right! man we could use a little pirate wrap here at the art to wear this weekend... ooh argh! LOVELY!

  42. Wow - that's pretty impressive!!!!

  43. Anonymous1:30 PM

    rrrrrrrrr pirate, that has to be the coolest thing you've made yet, well, at least that I've seen!

    Your a crocheting rockstar!!

  44. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Oh my god. I haven't been to visit in awhile. I think I forgot how wonderful you and all your creations are. This shawl is absolutely awesome. You are amazing.

  45. Anonymous9:35 PM

    I covet--COVET--this. The sins I would commit for those charts.

  46. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Arrrrg! Me likey too!

  47. Anonymous1:52 PM

    That is beyond amazing.

    You rock, Lady.

  48. Anonymous4:57 PM

    You are, as always, thoroughly awesome.

  49. That is so cool! What better review is ther than that, really?

  50. OMG regina, you never fail to amaze you truly are one fantastic artist. girl where in the world do you get your ideas and talents., is not fair (pouting now) i too would love to buy the chart from you since my dd is sooo into pirate and skull things at the moment. in fact speaking of the jolly roger, thats exactly what i am making her for christmas the jolly roger sweater.from the stitchnbitch am about half done and will post on my blog when its done. sorry its been a while since i blogged with ya, been super busy making helmet liners for the troops. hmmm wonder if they would like a pirate skull cap LOL well am off to oggle over some more of your many talents hugs

  51. WOW! Regina this is amazing! It´s sooo cool!

  52. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Arrgh! shiver me timbers... that is a freaking awesome shawl! you are too cool... i bow to you!

  53. That is really cool! I love the colors too! Great job! Arrrgh, Matey!

  54. Once again, Wow ! I'm not very much into the pirate stuff, but it's just SOOO perfect I'd nearly want one ..!! ;-)

  55. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I'm 59th to comment here, but I had to do it. That shawl is simply incredible. How fricken cool! You aren't a closet Raiders fan are you? No. Never.

  56. holy comments! you are a supastar! this jolly roger...holy shite! you are amazing. you never cease to amaze me.

  57. Omigosh! that is awesome, are you sharing the graph you used????? Please???? my son would just love that on a blanket for christmas, he's a huge Jack Sparrow fan.

  58. Oh, holy shit!!! Perfect. I love.

  59. wow! i mean, we all know you are the greatest, but seriously... you've stunned me to silence on this one!!! holy friggin' cow! it's PERFECT! All Hail - Regina, the Queen!!!

  60. I suppose this is kind of a dumb question but when you describe how to make the shawl, I'm assuming that it's "make two of these and then join together along one edge?"

    I've just recently gotten into trying to knit patterns again but I'm very rusty!

  61. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Must have misunderstood the pumpkin pattern that was demonstrated on Uncommon Threads. I tried it, and it didn't work...
    41 ch, 25 sc turn, 10 sc turn, 15 sc turn, sc until 11th row, sc 25 until 29th row, 20 sc until 36th rown, 15 sc turn, 10 sc turn (36 stitches, border c1 turn, 8sc, 9 and 10 tog, 4 times (24 stitches). What am I missing?
