Monday, January 01, 2007

Inebriated Bunny Hat

How did your Lady of the Linoleum spend her New Year's Eve?

Crocheting...oh, and drinking. The combination of the two is directly responsible for the creation of these hats...

In nearly natural and modeled by the hubster...

In a fuzzy pimped out blue/purple colorway...

You'll be happy to learn that I was not so, well, trashed, that I neglected to document the pattern.

So folks, here's the first freebie of 2007! Happy New Year and enjoy!

Inebriated Bunny Hat

  • Approximately 200 yds of bulky weight yarn (the nearly natural bun hat was made with 3 1/4 balls of Lion Brand Landscapes in Spring Desert colorway)
  • US N hook
  • Tapestry needle

  • ch - chain
  • rnd - round
  • rnds - rounds
  • sc - single crochet
  • sl st - slip stitch
  • st - stitch
  • sts - stitches
  • tog - together

10 sc x 12 r = 4"

*Pattern is worked in the round. Each rnd begins with a ch 1 and ends with a sl st in the beginning sc to join rnd.

Hat body
Rnd 1 - ch 2, 8 sc in second ch from hook, sl st in first sc to join rnd
Rnd 2 - ch 1, 2 sc in every st, sl st in first sc to join rnd (16 sts total)
Rnd 3 - ch 1, (1 sc, 2 sc next st) 8 times, sl st in first sc to join rnd (24 sts total)
Rnd 4 - ch 1, (2 sc, 2 sc next st) 8 times, sl st in first sc to join rnd (32 sts total)
* Make ear openings.
Rnd 5 - ch 1, 6 sc, ch 4 and skip 4 sc in rnd 4 below, 12 sc, ch 4 and skip 4 sc in rnd 4 below, 6 sc, sl st in first sc to join rnd (32 sts total)
*Continue with hat body.
Rnd 6 - ch 1, (3 sc, 2 sc next st) 8 times, sl st in first sc to join rnd (40 sts total)
Rnds 7 and 8 - ch 1, 40 sc, sl st in first sc to join rnd
Rnd 9 - ch 1, (9 sc, 2 sc next st) 4 times, sl st in first sc to join rnd (44 sts total)
Rnds 10 thru 18 - ch 1, 44 sc, sl st in first sc to join rnd
Fasten off after completion of Rnd 18

Ear (Make 2)
Rnd 1 - attach at one of the ear openings and sc 10 around opening, sl st in first sc to join rnd
Rnd 2 - ch 1, 10 sc, sl st in first sc to join rnd
Rnd 3 - ch 1, (4 sc, 2 sc next st) 2 times, sl st in first sc to join rnd (12 sts total)
Rnd 4 - ch 1, 12 sc, sl st in first sc to join rnd
Rnd 5 - ch 1, (5 sc, 2 sc next st) 2 times, sl st in first sc to join rnd (14 sts total)
Rnd 6 - ch 1, 14 sc, sl st in first sc to join rnd
Rnd 7 - ch 1, (6 sc, 2 sc next st) 2 times, sl st in first sc to join rnd (16 sts total)
Rnds 8 and 9 - ch 1, 16 sc, sl st in first sc to join rnd
Rnd 10 - ch 1, (7 sc, 2 sc next st) 2 times, sl st in first sc to join rnd (18 sts total)
Rnds 11 thru 20 - ch 1, 18 sc, sl st in first sc to join rnd
Rnd 21 - ch 1, (7 sc, sc next 2 sts tog) 2 times, sl st in first sc to join rnd (16 sts total)
Rnds 22 and 23 - ch 1, 16 sc, sl st in first sc to join rnd
Rnd 24 - ch 1, (6 sc, sc next 2 sts tog) 2 times, sl st in first sc to join rnd (14 sts total)
Rnd 25 - ch 1, 14 sc, sl st in first sc to join rnd
Rnd 26 - ch 1, (5 sc, sc next 2 sts tog) 2 times, sl st in first sc to join rnd (12 sts total)
Rnd 27 - ch 1, 12 sc, sl st in first sc to join rnd
Rnd 28 - ch 1, (4 sc, sc next 2 sts tog) 2 times, sl st in first sc to join rnd (10 sts total)
Rnd 29 - ch 1, (3 sc, sc next 2 sts tog) 2 times, sl st in first sc to join rnd (8 sts total)
Rnd 30 - ch 1, (2 sc, sc next 2 sts tog) 2 times, sl st in first sc to join rnd (6 sts total)
Rnd 31 - ch 1, (1 sc, sc next 2 sts tog) 2 times, sl st in first sc to join rnd (4 sts total)
Fasten off with enough yarn to close opening.

Weave in ends.

Copyright 2007 Regina Rioux Gonzalez. All rights reserved.


  1. Now THAT'S a hat! You're so clever when you drink;) Thank you for sharing with us! I'm sooo glad I can crochet! a very Happy New Year to all!!!

  2. Too funny, with ears just long enough to wipe a drooling drunk, I think you've created the perfect drinking hat!

  3. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Very cute!! And thank you for being so generous with your patterns. :) Hope you have a loverly '07!

  4. Anonymous2:29 PM

    LOL-thanks for sharing. The hubster looks soooo happy to model for you.

  5. I love that the hubster is giving the finger in photo #2 - clearly thrilled :).

    Great pattern! Looks like a great new year celebration.

  6. Anonymous4:18 PM

    what a darling hat! my daughter's boyfriend crochets and i think i am going to encourage him with some fuzzy off white mohair to make me one fuzzy headed creature for the winter here.
    happy new year regina! and to that wonderful hubster of yours too - what a good sport!

  7. Happy new year to you and your drunken bunnies!

  8. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Oh my god - I am SO happy I just started subscribing to this blog. Those photos give whole new life to the tired acronym LOL.

  9. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Your hubby's face is priceless, love how he snuck in that lil bit of retaliation. Tee hee.

    Thanks for sharing the pattern with us! Hope this year is full of joy and cheer!

  10. Your hubby is a cutie.. and MUCH more tolerant than mine would ever be.

    The hat made me think of the movie "Harvey".. now I want to see it again.. while wearing a IBH.

  11. Anonymous10:16 PM

    hehe - your husband look oh so enthused to be your model. And he's very subtle there, isn't he. He must really be in love. :)

  12. HA HA! Love the hats... and your hubbie! Priceless!

  13. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Love the hat! Happy New Year!

  14. You so crazy...HAPPY NEW YEAR


  15. Anonymous3:02 AM

    Perfect with the "Guinness" shirt !!!
    Happy new year Mrs Crazyhooker !

  16. I leave you alone for five days and look what happens... ;) I need one! My ears are f&%*$ing freezing!

    Happy New year, my most favorite lady.


  17. I had a very good comment yesterday and it just wouldn't go through. So bear with me as I try to remember a little of what I said.
    Yes that actually does look like an inebriated bunny. How funny.
    Everything that you have created this past year was awesome. And I am so looking forward to all the things you will do this year. I am just sitting back waiting for the waves of amazement to start rolling in.
    Yeah, not exactly, but it'll do.

  18. That is so cute! And modeled so perfectly...

  19. He's gotta look a little more excited like say, Roger Rabbit perhaps? : )

  20. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Cool bunny hat and thanks for the pattern!

  21. Just cracked open a bottle of vino so I thought that making this would be appropriate... Wish me luck! =)
    PS: If you can't read this, it means the wine has already taken effect and I can't type in the captcha... ;D

  22. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I want to make a donkey hat.. you're so creative, I thought I'd ask you here. Do you think it's possible that I could use your pattern (up until the ears, I'd have to make them a bit shorter and more shaped like a donkey ear) and insert pipecleaners or something to make the ears more stiff so they'd stand up? Any suggestions? My husband's nickname is "Donkey," so I thought I'd dress him up like one haha. I don't have a lot of crochet experience, so any suggestions on how to accomplish my goal would help :D

  23. Really great post.hey that bunny hat is simply very cute.
