Thursday, October 11, 2007

A Day at the Patch

Last Sunday I piloted the hubby's truck with friend Jenna and daughter Lena in tow in order to acquire a few Octoberish needful things...Pumpkins! Yes, we three lovers of the cucurbit traversed many a mile to partake in some orangy goodness at a location which I believe to be the pinnacle of pumpkindom. A few snapshots of our squashy surroundings...

I have been making this pumpkin pilgrimage since I was a wee Linoleum flanked by my parental units. Truth be told, I don't believe I've missed a year of this Autumnal ritual since. The offspring and I look forward to our annual trip to the patch with much anticipation. Yep, the teen who complains about literally everything, doesn't seem to mind indulging in such an activity with her "weird mom". That is, until she tires of the pumpkin retrieval process...

A break from the work flow is always a good idea. How about a stroll around Scarecrow Alley??? We may even spot Elvis...

Yeah, that always does the trick. Back to her ubercool teen self...

Really though, we had a great time and overcoming the teen exhaustion factor quite nicely. So needless to say, my home is now densely populated with pumpkin-age. It's just spooktacular!

Definitely my favorite time of the year...


  1. That Lena is so pretty in her too-cool-for-the-punkin-patch self. Glad to see she survived the torture.

  2. Arrrrgh! I'm drowning in pumpkinless envy! :-)

  3. What a nice pumpkin patch!! We don't usually have pumpkins at our house...they usually rot too fast here in SW Florida.....

  4. I still need to go pumpkin picking with my offspring! Thanks for the reminder.

    Looks like you guys had fun!

  5. oh lena.

    you two are the adorableness.

  6. Where is that patch? I wanna go to that one...!

  7. I HEART GHOST PUNKINZ!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wow. When did Linoleum Jr. get so HOT?!?! I mean, she's always been beautiful, very self-possessed, creative, intelligent, yadda yadda, but now she looks like a frickin teen model! TELL HER STOPPP!!!!!

  8. Yeee Haaar, WOW, that sure is a lot of pumpkins..yum

  9. oh lena,
    you have a twin right here on the other coast.
    nice pumpkins!!!

  10. stopped on over from Lime and Violet. Love the patch sad to hear that is burned in the recent fires. My sister went on Saturday and has pics of the son climbing on the fire truck which is now burned.

  11. I love the white Cinderella pumpkins. And your daughter is quite the fashion plate in the pumpkin patch.
