Sunday, February 03, 2008

Makin' Yarn

I know. Lately I haven't had much knitting and crocheting to show. Rest assured that I have been working both processes weekly. I've just been working on some substantial projects so I don't have anything to show you just yet.

I do have some yarn FO's to share though!

I made some real strides on the spinning front. Take a look...

Aren't they purty? I've been making tons of the two colorways above in the hopes of having enough of each to actually make something cool.

I just love spinning.

I love it as much as crocheting and knitting actually. And that's saying something! In fact, I've even been reading about spinning every night before bed...

This book is such a great reference for those interested in spinning art yarns! Right now my homespun looks a little, well, conservative. After perusing the pages of Intertwined, I am hoping to push myself right outside the proverbial box soon. Have no fear! There will be all matter of errata hanging off my singles and plies in no time! I've got a ton of goodies in my stash that would be perfect fuzzy embellishments...

On that note, I've taken to dyeing my own roving too. In fact, I spent my entire Sunday with fellow fiber fanatic, Jenna, dyeing piles of it. We also painted some yarn. Hey, that's what dye parties are all about!

I cannot think of a better way to spend a Sunday can you?


  1. It must be going around! I've been spinning and dyeing as well. Your spinning looks wonderful! Thanks for the tip on the book, I'll have to pick it up. Beautiful colors on everything!

  2. Thanks Chelsea! My daughter and my friend Jenna both said the same thing about that homespun today upon viewing it for the first time, "Did you spin that?!?! It looks like you bought it!" I was so proud! LOL

  3. So nice. One of these days I'm gonna get into spinning too. And that bee... what can I say. Love miniatures and that is one cute little bee.

    As for the hat on my blog, the edge of the hat starts off fair isle, but when you get into the intarsia, you still carry the yarn all the way around the project. Makes for a non giving fabric, but it's an interesting process. Your always so busy, but check out Armenian Knitting group in Ravelry if you get the chance.

  4. Wow, beautiful !!
    You never cease to amaze me with your talents.

  5. Congrats! I tried spinning too and was even able to give away a great hank as a Christmas gift. I love art yarn and that is what I focus on doing. Do you use a wheel or spindle? I find I like the spindle the most but maybe that is because I haven't found just the right wheel yet. I'll definitely have to get Pluckyfluff's book!

  6. Looks great. I swore I would not try spinning, I imagine it gets addicting real fast - and I don't have enough time to knit the yarn I already have!

  7. No, can't think of a better day. You're inspiring me and I am getting to spinning soon (I love dyeing). Your yarn looks awesome!

  8. The colorways are very enticing and very nice to look at, great job!

  9. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Do you have a particular project in mind for this yarn?

  10. I love that first yarn!

  11. i knew it would happen. cracks me up. if you want the ultimate fun time dyeing, get superwash fiber. you can't felt it, so you can abuse it, rinse it right away and it drinks dye like nobody's business. i do a lot of dyeing in my dishwasher. i have instructions on my blog.
