Monday, February 18, 2008

The Three Y's

I don't speak much about my trials and tribulations, but suffice it to say that life has been pretty difficult for my family over the past several months. The accompanying stress is really beginning to take its toll on me. Many days I am exhausted from the moment I awake in the wee hours of the morning and often I find myself in the act of withdrawal from friends and family in an effort to catch my breath, if only for a moment. Oh, don't worry, my personal acts of withdrawal do not include semi-catatonic states, rocking back and forth repeatedly, mumbling unintelligibly. Not yet anyway...No, I tend to withdraw accompanied by what I like to call "the three Y's": yoga; yarn; and youthful creativity.

Yoga is my savior. No, I'm not being dramatic! A few years ago I began to suffer from vertigo. Every few months I would succumb to this condition, dizziness and nausea plaguing me for days, sometimes weeks, at a time. However, since beginning to practice yoga last April, I have suffered little to none from this debilitating state. In addition to the virtual eradication of vertigo from my existence, yoga always, ALWAYS has the ability to subdue my stress induced agitated soul, no matter my level of discombobulation. Then there are the added benefits that partner with a consistent practice: flexibility; muscle tone; balance; core strength and of course, an inner calm that goes beyond the mat into everyday life. Yoga is nothing short of amazing!

Yarn is my constant companion. Literally! My project bag crammed with fuzzy WIP's goes with me everywhere. Retreating into the act of making loops, knots, weaves and strings, regardless of circumstances or locale, is the creation of an instant inner sanctum, giving myself the ability to regenerate and recharge whenever I find the opportunity.

Youthful creativity, yarn's best friend, is my foundation. Some time ago, amidst the career proceeding my current employment endeavor, I reacquainted myself with my inner child. In doing so I learned that art unhinged, unrestrained, explorative, full of honesty and discovery was the kind of art that I wanted to be making. I gave a nod to my art school training and preconceived notions about what made a good piece of work and set sail on a journey beyond my known creative borders. And in the uncharted territories I still find myself. For me there is limitless solace in this exploration.

Though I know my road ahead is still at an incline, I am comforted by the knowledge that each day I can find a rest stop within the three Y's...


  1. i am going through a similar time right now r ... and your advice on the y's is helpful. i need to start yoga again. and this might just be the week.

  2. Great advice and good sources of release. I'm glad to see that you've got a good handle on things. I hope the incline evens out to a nice flat surface soon.

  3. Been there! Glad you have escapes to keep you sane, very healthy!

  4. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Yay! Another Y for You (that's two extra Y's huh?).

    I'm glad for you.


  5. Hooray for the 3 Y's! 3Y's > Bad Stress.

    (The three y's are greater than the bad stress)---I've been tutoring 2nd graders lately, my version of keeping in touch with my own inner child.

  6. Yoga, yarn, youthful exploration--that sounds like a great way to deal with things. Personally, I rely on those other things--the rocking back & forth, the mumbling...

  7. It always makes me wonder how non-creative types get through problems. I couldn't imagine not having an outlet like that. I'm glad it's helpful to you.

  8. It's important to have things that ground us and keep us sane. Those are fabulous, healthy ways to release stress and get in touch with yourself.

  9. Thank goodness for outlets! You are in my thoughts and prayers! I hope it's all over sooner than later!

  10. yoga is the only thing that holds the IBS pain at bay... I do understand hun.

  11. Testify! Yoga saved me from what appeared to be fibromayalgia with debilitating migraines that came at least one day every week and sometimes stretched into days.

  12. I love the batty beanie.
    It's just so fun to say too.

  13. I love the wings! That colorway is gorgeous!

    I'm having the same issues with my job. Some of the youngins abused the internet too much and we all got blocked from blogs. Blah.

  14. i totally agree that freewheeling it is the best kind of art. the best. take care of yourself, lady. mwah.

  15. The crocheted bat wing cape is to die for! When will the pattern be available?


  16. Anonymous6:06 AM

    I know what you mean about Yoga- I suffer from Fibromyalgia and none of the prescriptions help, not to mention they eat your liver up, etc. I've found Yoga works better than anything!!
