Monday, September 29, 2008

Tis the Season!

In honor of my favorite fall month, my penchant for all fiber processes and of course my inability to employ any willpower where our favorite fuzzy strings are concerned, I purchased and began this little needlepoint diddy on Saturday and finished it on Sunday...

I think he's adorable in spite of my terrible needlepoint technique. Although, now that I've braved the needlepoint waters after having successfully avoided them for several years, I came to the realization that I love making stitches in canvas and therefore have a duty to add this art back into my repertoire. As such, I will be perusing the canvas collection at Abuelita's this weekend during my teaching escapades in search of more little Halloween treats similar to my cyclops mummy above.

I love Halloween!


  1. He's adorable!! Now you're going to make me want to pull out my needlepoint UFO and finish it! (which would be fine except for the UFO tablecloth I promised my sister a couple of years ago... Oops...)

    I can't wait to see what wonderful designs you come up with!!

  2. That is totally cute! Did you design it yourself?

  3. OKay...that makes me want to needlepoint.

    Love it!

  4. I like how he looks like a wistful cyclops he once fell in love with a two-eyed mummy but the societal pressures were too much for them....and yet he still thinks of her.

  5. I found something to add to your holiday-ness...pirates have beards after all....

    And that got me about a crocheted toupee??
