Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Yes, I am still alive...

So sorry for my silence folks. The last few weeks have been a roller coaster, simultaneously pitted with sorrow and peaked with joy. It's a bit staggering...

First, I have filed for divorce. It was a very difficult decision, but the writing has been on the wall for years. So, I finally succumbed and sent my attorney a check.

Second, the powers that be at the cube farm have decided to promote me and although my financial position doesn't change much, I am nonetheless very happy to have been recognized for my hard work.

Third, I am an now an aunt. My little sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl three weeks ago...Zoe Rose. She's a doll.

Fourth, I have been striving for some normalcy despite my personal chaos and have been crafting during every free moment possible. So, I do have lots of FOs to share.

Again, my apologies for giving you all the silent treatment. I just lost my voice for few weeks...


  1. Glad to have you back. :)


  2. No apologies necessary- only the most blind of internet denezines would be surprised by your actually having a life. Congrats on the promotion, both at work and to position of Aunt!

  3. Can't wait to see the FOs. Congratulations on the promotion and becoming an aunt.

  4. Whoa! Sorry about you having to go thru all the legal hassles associated with divorce. Hang in there!

    Congrads on the work promotion. Glad the powers-that-be finally recognized all of your dedication and hard work.

    Ooooo...being a new auntie will give you plenty of opportunity to stash-bust some cute little critters and outfits for the new baby girl!

  5. Glad you're back. We'll all be here to hang out with you with whatever comes along.

    Congrats, Super Auntie Lino :)

  6. Aww, sweetie, that is a LOT. No wonder you've been quiet! Hope to see you at knitting some night soon so I can give you a big old hug.

  7. So great to see you back! I'm also happy to see that though you had some bad news, you had three times as much good news!

  8. I'm glad you are back, but I am sorry you are dealing with so much right now. Congratulations on the promotion. I'm thinking of you ((hugs))

  9. Girl, we got you! You hang in there, ride those highs and keep a makin'. Much love and a big ole hug!

  10. Sending you good thoughts and deep breaths. Congrats on all joys and future boons.

  11. Your plate is quite full. Lots of hugs and prayers your way.

  12. Congrats on all the positives. I can't wait to see what crafty goodness you have for us. Welcome back.

  13. Glad to see you back - you're a regular feature of my Reader selection. Congratulations on the good news and best wishes for the future

  14. Holy cow, woman....that is alot! You deserve every minute of your down time,no matter how you spend it.

  15. aubreyrenee9:46 PM

    Hey girl, many prayers to you! We have certainly missed you!

  16. I'm sorry to hear the bad news, very happy to hear your good news - everything always happens at once doesn't it? Hope you are hanging in there - keep up with the crafting, it's therapy!!

  17. Take all the time you need! Looking forward to seeing those FO's (any of them going to be for the newly arrived little one?)

  18. I'd be quiet too. No worries. Take good care of you, and your daughter, and enjoy being a new aunt. :) And post whenever you are ready to.

    Congrats on the promotion too! :) That's exciting!

  19. Good to see you again Lady Lino. Congrats on becoming and auntie and getting that well deserved (I'm sure) promotion. I'm sorry to see so much on your plate. I'm glad that you're able to do something about your situation though. What a roller coaster you're on right now. One thing I've learned.....don't let anyone take your picture till you get off!!!

  20. Anonymous8:31 AM

    {{hugs}} bec we all need them!

    ps i so throughly missed your blog

  21. Good to hear you again.

    Sorry about the divorce--will keep you in my thoughts/prayers for the best possible resolution.

    Congratulations on the promotion! Hopefully they will continue to recognize your hard work, and reward you with something more tangible shortly.

    And awwwww to the newest member of the Linoleum clan. (Of course you all have a clan tartan, right?) May her auntie have a marvellous time spoiling her absolutely rotten.

  22. Congrats on the promotion and the little one!! Now, don't you worry about us one bit. You take care of you and enjoy all the big hugs that are coming at you through the innernets.

  23. Take care of you and your daughter. Never mind us blog readers. We'll be here whenever you need us! And congrats on the promotion!

  24. Congratulations on the niece and the promotion. And I'll keep you in my thoughts as you go through such a major life change. All of us wish you the best in this difficult time.

    I'm looking forward to seeing your FOs as always.


  25. Hang in there! Everybody needs a breather from time to time. Your loyal fans will be here waiting for you to come back when life slows back down for you. Hugs!

  26. A little bitter, a little sure is crazy sometimes, isn't it? Congrats on your promotion, and keep on truckin'! *hugs*

  27. I wish the best for you. In every aspect of your life. Congratulations on the cuteness that is now a member of your family and your promotion. I've been on a roller coaster myself and can sympathize.

  28. Take care of yourself and get all the rest you need. You should feel proud for taking a step you felt you needed to. It will be bumpy before it gets better, but there is a whole bunch of better around the corner. Congrats on the promotion and auntiehood. More reasons to craft!

  29. Lordy, that's a tonload. Been through it and it's pants.

    Keep yer head up, chuck.

  30. Remember: Divorces are so expensive because they are so worth it.

    Lots of hugs and go play with fabric and yarn until you feel better. It works for me.

  31. Don't forget just how strong you are.

  32. Wow! You survived all that? What an experience! I'm new to your site. It's nice to meet another hard core crochet addict who designs in her own style.

  33. Sorry about filing for divorce... it's most likely the right thing to do, but that doesn't make it easy.

    Congratulations on your promotion, and on becoming an auntie! Those are both wonderful things. You have something nice happening in your work life and in your private life, that's a nice happy balance.

  34. As others have said .. no apologies necessary! Take care of yourself, do what you feel is right, follow your gut.

    Sending you hugs of healing, serenity and strength ..

    Julie Andrea

  35. oh what a stressful time it's been. good luck with everything!

  36. Thank goodness for art/craft a brillient way to lose and find yourself simultaniously. Making the decision to divorce is a hard one, even when the writing has been on the wall for years- I can empathise totally with you in this regard.

  37. No apologies needed...Hugs...and more Hugs.
