Friday, October 30, 2009

Costumeology: The Knitted Pirate

Pirate garb is de rigueur at ChezLinoleum. As such, I've been knitting and crocheting my pirate-y stripes for the last few years in an attempt to create a fully knitted pirate look.

My costume began with this piece...

Draping oneself in one's flag is the ultimate display of one's pride methinks.

In succession, came the crocheted and knitted versions of this sweater...

I currently have three of these little sweaters in my closet. Great with skirts. Fantabulous with jeans. And absolutely amazing with...BLOOMERS!

Oh yes, upon immediate discovery of this Knitty pattern, I knew that I must knit a pirate-styled pair.

I wore this lovely ensemble to our annual Stitch N Witch gathering last night...

Even though I am just a mere deck hand at the moment, I did win the coveted "Best Use of Yarn" Prize while making merry at our fete. Yipee!

I see a knitted frock coat and perhaps a crocheted tricorn hat on my list of projects to complete for next year's Halloween season...Aaaarrrrggggghhhhh!


  1. That whole outfit is awesome. The stripes, the bloomers, the skulls - too much :)

  2. The bloomers are the BOMB. Although, I was a wee bit disappointed not to see the Dark Faery. Something to look forward to, yes??

  3. I am over the moon smitten with your outfit! I am coveting those bloomers like nobodies business! Swoon.

  4. Anonymous5:52 PM

    I love the outfit. God job! Your work always amazes and inspires me.
    You are such a talented lady.

    I haven't been in the blogasphere for a while and just spent the last little while catching up on your life. Your life seems to be running quite parallel to mine in so many ways. (going through a divorce, a trip with daughter, finding stuff in daughters' purse (yaah), feeling overwhelmed, feeling in control.... )
    I'll be thinking about you. Your posts have made me feel that I'm not alone. Thanks for being so open and honest. And, of course, for sharing your creativeness.

  5. I usually read on the LJ feed of your blog, but I had to come say how fabulous you look in your pirate garb!! Love it.

  6. Love your bloomers!!
    If you make a knitted frock coat, please, please, please share the pattern!

  7. dude, you rocked the unmentionables.

    Dark Faery?! I want to check her out too.

  8. Totally awesomesauce! ^_^

  9. Where did you find that awesome skully pattern? I WANT IT!

  10. Thanks guys!

    Nikka, skully pattern is mine. It was in Crochet Today eons ago.

  11. Ok Loved these 2 patterns. Now I need them in Crochet. LOL My daughter is gio0ng to love them for Halloween this year :)

    Do you have them somewhere?


  12. I am totally in LOVE with that Pirate shawl. <3 <3 <3 Amazing work! I wish I could crochet!!

  13. I love these sweaters. Are they your own pattern?
