Saturday, July 31, 2010

Weaving the Weekend Away

Originally, we had planned to go camping this weekend. Unfortunately, those plans were thwarted due to a very important art-related event that my beloved is involved in tomorrow morn. As a result, I was left with many empty hours to fill. I figured, I try relaxation for a change. After all, there is a very nice pool mere steps from the door to my domicile. So, clad in my requisite black tankini, basket of string and things in one hand, towel in the other and sunglasses atop my head, I hit the chaise lounge for some pool play with the teens. Oh, and a bit of weaving as well...

Diamond Lap Loom

Weaving by the Pool

It was lovely to sit under the sun, talking with my beautiful daughter, relaxing the afternoon away.

Basking in the sun's glow
I love to see my DD smile!

I went inside for the evening with sun freckles speckled about my nose and cheeks, fully decompressed and inquiring to myself,"Why don't I do this type of thing more often???"

Weekend Warrior
Me, the weekend anti-warrior.


  1. Enjoy the Summer! We are freezing here! I love the yarn you chose for weaving.

  2. Weaving? Looks neat.

    Is it like looming?

  3. What kind of weaving loom is that?
    And where can I either get one of them, or get the plans to make one.
    I am fortunate in having a very handy husband who is in the process of making a dresser with our daughter, but has made me other looms in the past.
    I just cannot get enough fiber work for one
    Your designs are absolutely fantastic!!
