Monday, July 25, 2005

Go visit the orbs...

Check out how our friend the ostomy bag is doing in its new home. Who knew a crocheted bag full of eyeballs could inspire this! You go Lori!

Also, just wanted to let everyone know that I am moving Wednesday and things are a little nutso over here at Chez Linoleum. So, a HUGE thank you to everyone who has left me comments or emails. I am reading them, just a little too fried to answer right now. Anyway, you all ROCK! Muchos besitos!

Computer gets disconnected tomorrow night and won't be connected again until Friday. Until then, have a wonderful week everyone and wish me good moving karma 'cuz I freakin' HATE moving!!!

Poo Poo Kitty (yes, that is the name of my cat, don't laugh) hates to move too because that would mean that she would actually have to, um, err, move, a state of being this cat is very unfamiliar with.


  1. Good luck with the move!! I hope it goes muy smoothly...

  2. awww poo poo looks like my Tiger !!

    good luck on the move.. i hate moving so much i make some one else do it for me LOL .. *insert maniacal laugh here *

  3. Sending you happy moving thoughts! I hear you on not liking it - I've moved 13 times in the past 9 years....and people wonder why I'm procrastinating on going back to the US....who wants to pack and ship all of those boxes again?!?!

  4. I will do my special good luck move unknowable ritual for ya! ;)

    Poo Poo Kitty is adorable (who am i to make fun of names? After all I named my cat Hambut lol)

  5. I hate moving too. Good luck with it.

  6. Moving is good, it's the PACKING I hate. And unpacking isn't fun either, tho it's better than packing 'cause it's kinda like unwrapping Christmas presents, esp if you haven't unpacked that box in five years. hummm That reminds me. Need to look into those boxes in the garage.....

    Can't wait for the next installment of the VLA.

    Take Care, and Don't Pack The Cat!

  7. ugh - moving sucks.... good luck... guessing you were able to rid the place of the OPD
    he he hee

  8. Good luck with the move, wishing you hardly no stress and good vibes!
    Hey Poo Poo Kitty is a cutie, love her name btw.
    We have here a Hiney, yes thats her name who is a cat and Bunny Poo Poo who is a silver miniature schnauzer! Whats in a name?

  9. Anonymous12:05 PM


    Your move is going to be great! Just think of it as a new beginning! Think of all the crap you've been able to unload. Ahhh....a fresh start to collecting new and improved crap! Mazel Tov!!

  10. good luck with the move:)

  11. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Now that I have been reading your blog for a month I decided to come out of hiding. I love your work! You put such an incredible spin on the craft. As for poo poo kitty I will not laugh, because my kitty is called poo pants. Good luck on the move!

  12. Moving sucks,,,Im never moving again EVER they will have to bury me in the house cuz I am NOT MOVING EVER EVER AGAIN...

    Hurry back!!


  13. Anonymous3:10 AM

    Hi Regina,

    It was me who left a message about buying a chicken nugget. Can you let me know how much - for a nugget or a bigger one (breast size - ho, ho?)

  14. Spooky internet twin alert: Poo Poo Kitty looks like Meggie Moo (see last Friday's show and tell [front porch] on my blog.)

  15. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Hi there! My cat's name is Poo Poo Kitty too, no lie. But she's a calico (and a complete bitch). I call her Pooty Poodle, Poopers, Poopsie, PPK, etc. Just thought I'd share!
