Okay, I know you all think I have lost the few marbles I have left, but no, I am completely (well, relatively) sane. I was COMMISSIONED by our own Lori (of Shrone-dom glory) to work-up this dee-lightful creation. Hi Lori!
Never one to turn down a challenge, I figured what the hey I'll give it a try. Lori sent me a few pics of an actual bag to work from along with measurements and I hit the ground running.
Upon first viewing of the examples Lori sent, I knew that (i) I really wanted her to be able to see the bag contents from the outside and (ii) that I would need to incorporate eyeball(s) at her request.
Actual ostomy bag:

For a few weeks I was really married to the idea of incorporating clear vinyl to make Lori's bag creation seem more real, but ditched that concept after realizing that vinyl doesn't have much give and reality is overrated anyway! Alternatively, I opted for a market bag or netted bag approach. I didn't want the interior contents (some of my wondrous spherical bundles of joy - five eyeballs with curlicue nerve-endings) to get smushed. Looking at the final product now, I know that I made the right decision. The netting lets the viewer see that something is, in fact, inside the bag, but not so clearly as to give the contents completely away. There is some mystery there. And I for one CRAVE mystery when looking at the contents of an ostomy bag. LOL
My version of an ostomy bag:

Subbed eyeball for opening on original bag:

Contents revealed:

Need something odd, interesting or a even bit wacko crocheted? Who ya gonna call? LADYLINOLEUM.
At your service...
Copyright 2005 Regina Rioux Gonzalez. All rights reserved.
OMG!!! That is so friggin cool!!!!!
Is there anything you can't "fiber up"?....Now I will be thinking of what I can come up with to challenge the Lady! hmmmm...
:::I bow to you:::
Lori will love that! Great job!
OK Two things: Regina, you rock! That is so cool!
Lori, will you read your eyeballs for me?
Hm. But what exactly kind of creature was using that bag for the eyeballs to end up in there? I'm afraid of the answer...
:) I love it! The combination of what freaky minds can come up with is amazing! :)
Love it!
that's amazing regina, made me giggle. my dad just had a colostomy in april and has is doing chemo now......and i really needed to laugh about it. before my baby i worked in the hospital and we used to laugh at stuff all the time (not in front of patients of course) because if you aint laughin, your cryin!
As always, your blog makes me hungry...
I love you, please marry me, wait, I am already married, AND I am a girl, but DAMMIT I LOVE YOU....as a future nurse this has to be my FAVORITE creation....I am not worthy to view your site...lol
Wonderful! You're always sooo cooool!
That's amazing ,such fun !
Excellent work, LadyLino! I was wondering how you would create this commission. We had discussed putting some crocheted food in the bag, but I think that your final version, just with eyeballs, is perfect. Save the food for the inside of the "Visible Man" model!
this is great!
I'll add your blog to my links so I can came back.
Thanks everyone! Lori is the queen behind this idea. I have to admit that it stumped me at first, but I figured it out!
Lori, you must give me an eyeball reading.
Jana totally agree with you about the laughing instead crying thing. Sometimes it's the only way to cope.
Love you too Mom!
You guys are making me blush...
uhm, just wow. I can crochet scarves, and afghans, but an ostomy bag full of eyeballs? That's sheer genius. Love the veggies too.
My dear, you are a true artist!
I love the EYEBALLS!
IBD sufferers the world over should now be relieved that there is now a monster colostomy bag, just in case we need it!!!!
Having Ulcerative colitis, I totally appreciate this (I mean like, gag me with a handfull of meds! what if I need my guts replaced?)
Amazing! Just AMAZING!!!!!
Kim, if you need a customized ostomy bag (hopefully not), I'm your girl!
i... ummmm.... uhh
well, just don't know what to say this time
twisted creative genius
e x c e l l e n t
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