Here's the gang before going undercover. Notice how they look like your average citrus citizens?

Here are the citrus comrades in disguise. Transformed and dangerous!

Limon in bee-you-ti-ful pink coif! Limon can seduce any man with that big sexy hair and seduction is what this citrus half-breed uses as its most effective weapon.

Lime with amazing coiling arms! Not only do Lime's arms serve to disguise him as a deceitful fruit and vegetable eating human monster, but due to their length he is able to reach virtually any object atop a high shelf. Handy! (...Um, no pun intended.)

Lemon in infrared goggle! Night vision is key when doing midnight market reconnaissance.

Big round of applause for the most stealth members of the food pyramid: Citrus Incognito!
Copyright 2005 Regina Rioux Gonzalez. All rights reserved.
I have an uncontrollable urge to squeeze them....
Your mind, what is in your mind???? I often wonder, after seeing your works, what you were like as a child??
Just when I thought that the "egg" couldnt be out come the incogneeto citrus OMG..I have to have me a Lemon......those are adorable and I love them~~
Regina, I bow to you. I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!!!
LOL! Oh how I envy your creativity!! I better start paying closer attention to my produce, perhaps it will inspire me.'re a freak!!! I love them...thats a compliment, the freak comment....Great job....Can't wait to see the next creation!!!! You have such freedom, no restrant I love it! Enough gushing!!!! BRAVO!
I am sooo loving the eyelids! Nice touch! I'm with Drew - I want a little squeeze!
Fantastic! Just I what I need for a morning laugh. I wouldn't squeeze one though, as I imagine the eyeball would leap out and squirt enough industrial-strength citric acid to blind you.
Those are just too cute for words!! I love them and, like Drew, I want to squeeze them!
If you ever feel like RAOKing someone with some of your creations keep me in mind ;)
Sheer demented genius!!!
I will never look at citrus fruit quite the same way again...
I love 'em!
I come here now and then but it is just so crazy)in a good way)that I keep coming back to see what you have created. You are a really good crocheter and creater. Thanks for sharing the madness!!!!!
Sutty(from Crochetville)
oh too damn funny! i'm sittin here laughing my butt off so my 7 yr old son comes over and immediately says 'mom, can you make me one of those!?!' he has completely gone through your site... i think he's in love :)
your trio needs a sniper key lime with a mexican accent!!
i love the lime!! too funny.. you are the best !
These are officially my favorite of your produce monsters. Fantastic! And I thought the churro could never be beat....
Keep up the incredibly twisted and wonderful work!
I did squeeze the limon!! Yes, it's soft and firm all at the same time. Too incredible for words, Miss Regina. Your designs are totally unique!
Ellen B.
i love your stuff!!
Love the pink hair disguise... I know it always works for me!!!!!
Just how am I going to make Keylime cheesecake and Lemonade again??? I'm going to think they're alive! ;-)
love your work - no explanation needed really.
I love all of your eyeball creations!! I never knew crocheting could be soooo COOL!!! I will have to show these to my mother, since all she crochets is baby blankets!!! Those eyeballs need to go on some sweaters for this fall, or maybe earrings!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am going to add your link, so I can keep up with your fiber art.
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