All Hurley wanted was a little R&R. He was fed up. Tomato Fight Night Club ("TFNC") was testing his last little stem. Originally, Hurley joined TFNC in order to give his impoverished self-esteem a boost. Unfortunately most of the Tomatoes in TFNC were a couple seeds short of a fully ripened fruit. Surely, Hurley has issues with anger, but he's FAR from crazy. In fact, Hurley is one tough Mato.
Horribly disfigured from birth, having emerged from the vine with two eyes, not one like the rest of his red brethren, but two, and a tuft of curly human-like locks, the young plump-ette was ostracized by seed and fully ripened Mato alike all of his life. In spite of this adversity Hurley ripened. He ripened with issues, but ripened nonetheless, and in the process of ripening with issues sought many avenues for which to calm his Inner-Mato chaos and anger. TFNC seemed the answer to his prayers upon first encounter. He could surely work out his aggressions and self-loathing, hopefully gaining a little respect, for a change, in the process! Unfortunately, Hurley didn't take into account that the other MatoMembers of TFNC might have more serious issues than his own.
Once again, Hurley's life is mired in trial and tribulation. He cannot even take a vacation without becoming one of only a few survivors of a downed airliner, hopelessly LOST on a island God only knows where! At least his fellow survivors haven't said anything derogatory about his pair of eyes...

Crochet Stats
Yarn: Good Ole Red Heart Super Saver
Hook: G
Pattern: Monster Crochet Psychotic Tomato Pattern
I still have a lot of He and She-Matoes to add to the gallery peeps! I am also making my way through all of my emails and comments, which keep me sane at the Cube Farm I can assure you. Thanks to all for being so kind and patient with me!
Copyright 2006 Regina Rioux Gonzalez. All rights reserved.
Ha! Great! Though he looks a little more sleepy than cross... :)
That reminds me I've got to finish my mato and send you a pic. :)
Hurley Mato is too cool! I just hope that the folks on the island don't get a hankering for a juicy 'mato sammich!
Yur a nut!
Two of my favorite things: Lost + Tomatoes. Fantastic interpretation! Was I the only one disappointed to find out that Hurley was a lotto millionaire? I had such naive hopes about him being a super smart computer geek or NASA engineer or something. Oh well, we loves Hurley in the Finny household just as much. And now even better as a tomato!
I'm pretty sure mato could kick Charlie's ass! :)
Ha! It's the TWO EYES - they'll make anyone look angry!
Poor Hurley. Hopeully he can get found, and work through his issues.
Hurley--the best part of Lost. I love his little curls of hair!
He's still sexy despite his extra eye. I never found Fox attractive before... Hurley must be rubbing off on him.
Love it!
I will never be able to watch LOST the same way again.
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