13 Artists
13 Dolls
18 Months
2 Gallery Shows
And A Gazillion Bottles Of Wine...
Evolution of the Doll!
This is the last doll folks...This week's doll star is...Gregor!
Base Artist: Young An
Artist Background: Painter and curator who always wears high heels. It's amazing really. She paints, she curates exhibitions left and right and she can whip up a mean Korean barbecue all on 3" heels. How does she do it? In-soles.
Base Round: Three pristine white canvases. Seems normal enough at this moment right? Oh, just you wait. Does the term psychotic break mean anything to you? Yeah, well keep on reading.

Round One: Lena Linoleum
Evolutionary Change: My progeny painted a very ominous scene on two of those formerly clean white canvases.

Round Two: LadyLinoleum
Evolutionary Change: Going with the daughter's flow, more paint. Yes incidentally, I CAN paint. I just don't paint too often anymore. Unless of course it involves a can of Krylon and a spray booth.

Round Three: Stevie
Evolutionary Change: Ahhh, there ya go. Legs turn them thar canvases from mere art to doll.

Round Four: Stacy
Evolutionary Change: Heavy metal hair fun!

Round Five: Stephanie
Evolutionary Change: Fleshed out with plastic netting.

Round Six: Dyane
Evolutionary Change: Um yeah, EXTREME makeover...Like I said above, the term psychotic break fits perfectly.

Round Seven: Jonna
Evolutionary Change: It's like an episode of Nip/Tuck over here...Facelift or maybe faceshift is the more apropos term.

Round Eight: Bea
Evolutionary Change: It is now a winged thing!

Round Nine: Laurel
Evolutionary Change: Footsies.

Round Ten: Janet
Evolutionary Change: Hookah and beaded butterfly buddies because when you've had that much surgery a little tobacco is not an issue.

Round Eleven: Bee
Evolutionary Change: Lashes and bangles, but of course.

Gallery View:

Evolution of the Doll!
That's all folks!
Whoa! It's very cool, but you lost the fantastic paintings. I think I like it best at round 5. I'm gonna miss this series.
Now, that's a doll with some "inner beauty" as well as outer.
What's y'alls next group project??
The cocoon of a butterfly. You know butterflies when in caterpillar form can devour forests in a heart beat. The doll is beautiful. Welcome to the Thanksgiving holday!
wow - that one made a huge change!!
Oh, I love him!
I'll miss the dollies, but thank you so much for sharing them with us!
It's the Evolution Revolution! Thanks so much for sharing the Dolls of 2005! They make me giggle, cry and wonder. You are all incredible!!!!
Wow... absolutely wonderful!!!
A wonderful ending to the evolutionary doll process! I am going to miss seeing these as all of you are extremely talented artists! Kudos to all!
too much I love it!!!!
It just kept getting better and better, and each time I thought it not possible to get better- BETTER STILL!
Love it.
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