What does one do with the first batches of yarn one creates from the beginning of her spinning odyssey? This was the question I pondered as I rifled through the box that contained all of my first spinning
experiments. After much contemplation I took up my P hook and started working with the chunky cakes o' yarn. In a matter of hours I had worked up this little diddy...

Definitely not the largest shoulder warmer I've made, but it shows off the chunk-y-delic yarn quite nicely and the overall drape is good.
Some detail...

Feels good to do some stash busting! And now I have room in my homespun box for more ChezLinoleum fiber-y goodness!!
Of course you know this. I cannot say this too often...."Granny Squares are the Building Blocks to Fashion."
You've created a very fashionable wrap! Great colors.
The colors are great and hurray for stash busting!
how very 70's of you! it really pretty. like what i wore in high school, me being on the fringe of the artsy fartsy hippy group.
marie in florida
That is lovely! It does show off the chunky yarns very well.
great use for your first spinning harvest...love the colors.
You clever girl! What a great solution and a forever reminder of where your spinning adventure began.
muito bom seu blog é um prazer conhecer pessoas que gostam de artes. lindo seus trabalhos visite me .beijos.
Sometimes, one does not have the blogging desire. But you are keeping productive! I love, love the Dead Sea wrap with the fishies! Best wishes in your dyeing undertakings!
Nice wrap, I like the color combination!
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