Onto more of my non-functional fare...
What is a mermaid to do without a pirate to seduce?

Copyright 2005 Regina Rioux Gonzalez. All rights reserved.
And don't forget the pirate beanie with eyepatch...Arrrrrgggg!

Copyright 2005 Regina Rioux Gonzalez. All rights reserved.
These fabuloso pirate duds (i) cannot be worn (by most of us that is - read "must be peg-leg ready"), (ii) are fashioned out of acrylic yarn (I love acrylic...it's cheap and there aren't any dyelot issues) and (iii) duds are designed and crocheted by moi using single crochet throughout. Oh, this guy is a little shorter than the mermaid, but he likes tall chicks.
Happy birthday!
Are these all full size? Or childrens size? You are so talented! I thought myself quite the crocheter until I met you and ThreeOlive...lol
your birthday?? Have a great one!
Happy Birthday Regina! I have to tell you, I absolutely think you rock! You are incredibly talented and have a wonderful sense of fun!
Big hug
Aaaargh! Me likes me some mermaid, matey.....
Happy Birthday! In honor I have re-written you a song ;)
*Clears throat*
With apologies to Patti LaBelle and also the Moulin Rouge gang...
*snapping fingers*
"Where are my cro (chet) sisters,
let me see your stash, sisters
Hey, sister, cro sister,
let me see your shawl, sisters
*really winding up*
She makes yarn art new
with her inventive things,
shows us her stuff on her site,
who else could give
killer carrots eyes?
Crochet, Filet, ya ya, gotcha,
Get yer crocheted army here,
Voulez vous crochet avec moi ce soir
Crochetville Lady Linoleummmmmmmmm!
Happy b-day my sistah bull! You rock!
And I still want to see your take on the numero uno snacking no nos for me: Twinkies and Ding Dongs! LOL
LOVE the pirate outfit and the Mermamazon!
Your flopsaber is half done btw Had insomnia last night LOL. Just have to do the hilt...
big hugs!
Yes, it's my birthday and thank you so much for the warm wishes! You've no idea how much I appreciate all of you!
Ro, you are the absolute bestest! I need to post this song somewhere....hmmmm. I have the body done for your churro. I am working on eyeballs and serape next! I should have it ready in a day or two.
Deneen and Drew and Mom and Kari - I love you guys, love your blogs, love this raport we've all developed...This internet thingie is awesome! Wooohoooo!
Oh hey, I forgot to post this: Both the Mermaid and the Pirate are adult life-size. Actually a little bit bigger for the Mermaid. That chick is 7 feet tall!
happy late birthday .. glad you love your yarn .. more on the way !! hope you love it too .. !!! i think i m ight throw in a little surprise.. being your birthday and all .. hmmmmm...
OMG I just spent 20 minutes at Monstercrochet.com. GOOD WORK there on the web site first of all, and GIRL are you talented!! Since I am on a diet, I loved the cheez-it...lol your awesome! nice job I will go back for more for sure!!
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