A little background is in order. Beginning December last, I embarked on a series of biopsies and subsequent skin cancer surgeries led by my trusty dermatologist. No fun, I can assure you. Anyway, the latest blight upon my epidermis to be dislodged (last Thursday) happened to reside upon the side of my nose. Apparently it was much deeper than my physician originally thought because it took him an hour and a half to eradicate the nasty growth and sew up the opening with seven stitches. Yes, seven.
My poor bandaged schnoz:

Now, I'm a trooper when it comes to pain endurance. Really, I'm one tough chick. But I kid you not when I say the pain infecting my nose and adjacent cheek was pretty darn close to un-bear-a-ble. For several days I couldn't chew. I couldn't laugh. I couldn't lay down on that side when turning in for the evening. Hell, I couldn't even cry. The pain was just awful. But you know my friends, situations can always get worse. Oh yes. To top off an already miserable state of affairs, I came down with a cold just two days after my surgery! You know what's worse than incessantly blowing plentiful wads of boogers out of your nose? Incessantly blowing plentiful wads of boogers out of your nose WITH STITCHES EXTENDING THE ENTIRE WIDTH OF YOUR NOSE. Oh yeah, the fun never stops over here at ChezLinoleum. Sucks.
Needless to say I look like Jimmy Durante. Jimmy Durante with Frankenstein stitches and plentiful snot. I know, gross.
Despite my plight, I still managed to work up a hat, which I do plan on donning to my stitch removal appointment...

This Lil' Devil Hat should be a warning to my dermotologist. He'd better be on his best behavior when removing my stitches or I may have to force him to wear this hat during his next spot on the evening news! Muhahahaha!
I hope it heals quickly for you. The hat reminds me of my dd telling me her opthamologist was a "truly dangerous man" (because of the eyedrops he insisted she have to get for each appointment)-great hat!
Hang in there!!!!
Love the hat.
Ok, I'll tell you one that is worse than your nose surgery---so you can feel better. About two years ago my dear hubby was having a heart issue and he passed out...face first into a glass table and....amputated his nose! Yes, you read that right. I'll save all the details but I am amazed what a good plastic surgeon can do! He looks amazing and you can hardly tell that his nose is made out of cheek meat and pulled down forehead skin (I picked up the 'part' so the surgeon had the cartilidge to build on). Get well soon!
Deneen and Vera - Thanks girlies!
Joymama - Yep, that beats me. I'm so happy your husband is okay!!!!
I am thinking of you and hope it goes well do remove the stitches! And I love the devil-hat!
Daaaaang - I hope you feels better real soon!!!!
Oh man, that just sucks! Wishing you health and much less snot.
oh dear! i'm so so sorry!!
at least you do look so cute as a devil!
aww..I hope you are better soon.Any kind of pain and sickness just plain sucks.
Oddly enough, when my husband ( who wasn't my husband yet at the time)was diagnosed with skin cancer, it was what finally brought us together.
Sorry it's been so long since I came by to say hi.
Ouch...that just makes my toes curl! Feel better soon :)
Oh Regina, I'm sending positive thoughts your way, take care friend. -Pam
Owwwwwwwiiieeeee!!! Get better!
oh man so sorry to hear you're in pain. i hope you feel better soon! love your hat!
When your nose feels better, I will kiss it.
Well, that gave me a little perspective on my day.
Adore the fact that you kept on crocheting.
Get better.
Hang in there. It's always something, isn't it.
Oh my! I, too, hope you feel better right away! I think you should not only wear your new devil hat (which is grand!), but also your SuperLinoleum Cape of justice!
the superpowers cape is good.......but I'm thinking the hat needs a severed finger and the odd floating eyeball to fully express your threat.....
Poor baby. Only you could be in that shape and come up with a great hat! Good Karma to you!!!
That sucks so bad-even more than my 4 hours in the dentist's chair yesterday.
I wish you a speedy recovery!
Oh my gosh! You poor dear, all of us send you our best wishes for a speedy recovery. My heart goes out to you dear, it's amazing that you can knit, but it does sometimes seem to have some healing and distracting properties doesn't it! One time when I was really sick I sewed up a storm, and seemed to carry me through. Anyway, I hope your next post is happy news! We are thinking of you.
LL! quelle domage! this is terrible news. i hope by now you are feeling a little better and know that we are hoping for great news of total recovery of said schnozzz.
ouch is all i can imagine. that hat should take most of your worries away however at the return visit.
wishing you the very best for speedy recovery!
You poor poor thing! :( Sounds like you are really being put through the ringer! I hope you are feeling much better soon! I'm sure your dermatologist will get a kick out of yer hat though! :)
Owies!!! I hope everything is all fine soon!
Ouch. Very ouch. My sympathies - I hope it all heals up soon for you!
Oh dear! Sounds miserable! Hope you're feeling better soon. Love the hat.
Wishing you a speedy recovery and do complications. My Brother-in-law had a similar surgery on his nose a few months ago. They removed part of the skin from his ear to replace the place on his nose they removed.
Love the hat.
Of course I meant no complications. I seem to always spell one word wrong and not catch it.
Oh good crap - a big old cold on top of a mutilated nostril! That is just mean. I hope you're giving that germ what fer.
Meanwhile, hot hat!
Do you have a pattern for those horns? I think the hooded cowl I have going could use a set of horns.
Sending healing thoughts your way! I hope you feel better soon....xoxo
Poor you. You have my sympathy and best wishes for a stitch-free, fully functioning nose very soon. Did you not want to show the surgeon how to crochet it together like you do with your Granny squares?
You guys are so sweet! Thank you so much! Smoochies all around!
Feel better!
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear you're hurting. I hate colds anyways... to have one on top of the other is just awful.
I do have to say, though... I think you should go with forcing the doc to wear the gollum hat, rather than the inebriated bunny hat. It just seems to me more appropriate.
Youch! I hope you're healing up quick.
I love that hat!
I'm so sorry that you've been having such a terrible time, but I hope you're feeling better now. (((hugs)))
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