Oh yeah, some of my 2007 reads are sure to prepare me for disasters unforeseen. For example, what is one to do when attacked by zombies? Currently, I haven't the foggiest what measures to take to ensure my family's safety. So, this book will definitely come in handy...

Yes, this undead pocket bible covers everything from the history of the zombie problem to weapons and combat techniques (including close combat), creating an impenetrable fortress, as well as how to handle yourself when on the run and simultaneously being pursued by a legion of zombies. Good stuff I tell you.
Next I feel that I should read up on another potentially disastrous state of affairs...alien abduction.

Why not research a few accounts of probing nethers before devising my defensive strategy. Knowledge is power people.
Oh, and for any other dangerous situation I may find myself enmeshed in the coming year, I've purchased this handy dandy calendar:

Find yourself in a sword fight and you can't quite remember the best way to hold your sharp piece o' metal? Have no fear! Just check out this Monday's calendar page for details! Locked in the trunk of a car and can't seem to bust out of the darn thing? This calendar's got your escape technique covered. Sheer genius friends.
Getting in touch with my survivalist self isn't all I have in store for 2007. Nosiree!
Conjuring cuisine each and every Sunday...
Oh yea, oh yea...let's here it for LadyLinoleum's consistent return to the kitchen! Yep, last Domingo I rustled up some beef ale stew with buttermilk dumplings and it was nothing short of divine!
Today I broke out the Bittman and created a pile of fluffy buttermilk waffles for breakfast.

Followed that up with a huge steaming pot of split pea soup for lunch. Yu-um!
I love to cook peeps and I pledge to pull on my oven mitts with much regularity in '07. Oh, and I hereby do also promise to share my culinary adventures with you all!
Are partially digested waffles detectable via anal probe? Hey, I'm just asking.
Boldly going where other crocheters/knitters have not gone before...
Um yeah. And you thought the meat crochet was weird? Just. You. Wait.
Hey, waffles would look mighty good in wool, don't cha think?
Publish or perish...
I've been delighted with my successful foray into the crafty publishing world. However, I need to finish my proposal for a 100% percent Monster Crochet pattern extravaganza. I'm getting there. Just need to push forward full throttle. Now accepting positive vibes...
Healthy happiness...
The last several months I've struggled with myriad health issues. It's like I'm falling apart people! Anyway, I hope and pray that 2007 is the year that I become healthy again. I know that everybody and their mother states something similar at the onset of a new year, but peeps I mean it. I want to be here for years to come churning out the crazy junk I create, blogging to my heart's content and hanging out with my friends on the world wide web!
Here's to a wonderful and productive 2007 for all of us filled with laughter, love, creativity and camaraderie! Smoochies all around!!
LL! happiness, HEALTH, and more wool in waffle forms to you this coming year. the web is a zanier place all because of you. your creativity can not be contained. we her in chez esprit can not wait to see what you cook up next! (can i tell you those waffles look devine? my favorite food)
wouldn't a waffle heart be something?
thanks for being YOU!
Mmmm, waffles! Can't wait to see the wooly version.
My positive thoughts are yours and I will send them your way with regularity. Not only are you an ultimate blogger, but you are the most facinating crocheter out there. LL, you make crochet and order of magnitude cooler.
Here's for much peace, health and happiness this year.
LOL! I got Gator the Zombie Survival Guide for Christmas! Isn't it fun? Oh, and I'm in the process of making something LL inspired... Are you scared yet?? Bwahahahaha!
I loved the zombie book - gave it to a friend for Christmas. Enjoy. :)
What a great optimistic reading list! That is too funny. And those waffles look great! Can't wait to see the all-fiber version!
Best wishes to you and yours in 2007 Lady L! Yer waffles look absolutely awesome! That Zombie book should be required reading in schools...
I need a Zombie Guide!
Wool waffles?! I can't believe it hasn't happened until now! I can't wait to see what the year brings in wool.
BTW: I'll be trying out that beef ale stew, too. TOnight, the Smoky Bacon Chili. And my friends say Sunset is just for grannies - whatever!
To round out your 2007 survival subject matter you need to listen to Coast to Coast AM http://www.coasttocoastam.com and get the real low down on the low down. Aliens, NWO, Conspiracy, and Survival in the insane world.
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