Scary eh?
No, not the model! That is THE wonderful MK who came to visit our Stitch 'N Bitch last Thursday while in Los Angeles to shoot an episode of Knitty Gritty. MK graciously offered to model Turkeyzilla, The Tote Bag while Ellen snapped the photo. Thanks to MK and Ellen for helping me out!
So, back to the Poultry Purse, Turkey Tote, Chicken Whatchamacallit...Okay, maybe it's not scary, but it's definitely different. Yeah, it's unique! This chickadee on a strap is modeled after the original Turkeyzilla and like it's predecessor, this Hen Of All Bags is crocheted from Lion Brand Homespun in their Harvest colorway.

Notice the drumstick pouch?

And pretty little rooster button...

And it's lined! Yep, lining is entirely crocheted in Homespun's Ranch colorway. Oh yeah, functional, fun AND sturdy!
Please note that this um, err, interesting creation will be going to my Back-Tack partner who is, yes, a bag designer! If you were her and Turkeyzilla, The Tote Bag showed up in your mailbox, would you freak? Be honest...
Copyright 2005 Regina Rioux Gonzalez. All rights reserved.
I would note the return address and laugh in good humor and appreciation of creativity.
but, you must remember.... I taught 4 year olds for several years....
That bag is so cool and funny. I totally think it would be fun to take it to the grocery store (like Thanksgiving shopping) and when they go to bag up the groceries, pull out your giant turkey bag.
The drumstick zip wallet is a nice touch!
ps...maybe you should slip a little note in there with my address, so if she doesn't like it she can just send it on its way. ;)
"Graciously offered" my &$$. I couldn't get it on fast enough!
OMG how great is that bag...(no eyeballs thank whomever!) .. hahaha.. i adore that bag.. i am sure your partner in crime knows what to expect of you .. so there shouldnt be a surprise on that end.. i wouldnt be sad if it turned up at my door.. i am LOVING the drumstick pouch !
i think it totally rocks... or gobbles as the case may be! there is something really funny that happens when your stuff becomes functional... it's this whole other odd layer that i'm loving!
I would freak in a good way gal! Love the bag!
Totally am into the drumstick too!
Are you on crack?! I would squeal like a ten year old and dance around for the rest of the day singing, "I've got a turkey tote! I've got a turkey tote!"
And I love the drumstick.
So whos butt I gotta kiss to get one of them there thangs?
No joke tho that is super cool.... I would so carry that....you think the folks round here might call a prayer meeting for me, due to THAT bag...
Love the bag, keep 'em coming Regina!
I would die laughing right at the mailbox! I would SO wear this.
This would make a most excellent backpack with a little rearranging of strap placement!
LOVE the drumstick change purse (or whatever it is).
That bag made me smile the minute I saw it and I'm sure would do the same to whom ever received it in the mail. It has a huge smile factor where ever it goes I'm sure!!
You crazy ass hooker you! It's wicked awesome and I adore the damn drumstick too! You are so amazingly brilliant with this stuff-scary! Thank God you have an outlet for all this pent-up shit!
I, too, would freak in delight! I especially admire the drumstick coin purse. So do you think Turkeyzilla - the Bag could be featured on Knitty Gritty? You'll be famous, girl!
We all have turkeys on the brain thanks to you! Add me to the list of turkey bag stalkers.. Who knows where it will ultimately end up?? I have never seen anyone think the way you do, so original, you really have opened the gates for free thinking crocheters! (and turkey eaters)
I couldn't take my eyes off this bag when you brought it to SnB the other night. That's why I had to rip it out of your hands and give it to MK to model so I could photograph it!!!! I even ran right out and bought the same colorway of Homespun so I could start my own fall handbag!!! You are truly inspiring and clever!
Are you ever going to make a pattern for that? Ee! I'd pay good money for that pattern, lol.
Okay, you guys just make me want to have hook or needles in hand 24/7. Jeez, I couldn't ask for a more supportive bunch!!! *smooches* all 'round!
I would definitely freak, but in the good way!!!
only ladylinoleum would create a turkey totebag. with a drumstick purse............only you could make wearing a carcass look hip!:P
The drumstick pouch, in the context of the greater whole, is a work of genius!
The drumstick rocks! I hope she likes it as much as we do.
No, I would be speechless with delight and laughter. It's a phenomenal creation and I think every girl should have one.
Woman! You are just the right amount of freaky! This bag is undeniably awesome.
I would freak in a good way. Turkeyzilla is perfection.
Oh I would have immediately gone out to show it off. And made sure I had to pay for something so I could open up the drumstick. I swear it should be illegal to have that much talent and creativity crammed into one small person.
Gobble, Gobble.
Oh NO FREAKIN WAY!!! That is just too awesome!!! I would free it from it's mailing bonds, toss it over my shoulder and go to the mall so as many people as possible at that moment could admire it. I wouldn't just use it in the fall either....that would be my everyday bag! It's AWESOME!!!! Another Ace for Lady Lino!!!!
Oh my gawd lady. This bag is something else!
I am so glad I found you and your corner of the world.
Winter sucks in the north west. Cali is supposed to be warm all the time. I end up surfing for stuff to buy online all the time. Clothes, shoes, purse, whatever. I also have no one to talk to, so here I am again. Time to go look for some more sites with purse maybe. Who knows.
Hey, I'd love to make and carry this bag because it fits my wacky self so well.......but I'm mostly a knitter so much do I have to know about crocheting to do this?
I love it! a pattern to purchase would be fantastic!!!! keep up the good turkey making work :)
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