A Venus Flytrap!

With a...um...err...removeable eyeball!

Notice the nerves hanging off the back...

Big smile!

And fabulous white...well, teeth!

The whole thingamobob is crocheted out of various weights of mercenized cotton and was created using sc and a little dc and hdc for shaping. Ta-da! There ya have it. Carnivorous flora. Whooohooo!
All content and images copyright 2005 Regina Rioux Gonzalez. All rights reserved.
Fantastic job. Makes me hungry!!
I love your art, especially the amazing eyeball!
Keep it up, you inspire me!
Oh, my gawd! I was thinking about doing something less than sweet for Month of Softies, but anything I could come up with would be sugar coated next to that. You are truly a madwoman. LOL
Oh wow! I absolutely love this guy! The removeable eyeball rocks! You have done a great job with him...slightly twisted for a flower theme, but nonetheless he is perfect!
OH OH I love me some venus flytrap!!! I want to buy one of those. Please. Pretty please? Are you expensive? You should be. That is amazing art!
See you at snb tonight!! Right? Promise me you're coming!
You guys like my flower!!! Cool...Sometimes I make this stuff and I just don't know, you know? LOL
I will be at SNB WITH the flytrap Laurie!
Really excellent. An interpretation of May Flowers that is quite unexpected. Love it!
Hmmm.... sweet...hmmmm....Must be a different kind of sweet. ;-)
You really are quite an artist. Your stuff should be on display! Very unique, indeed.
that is so amazing.
hi! I came across your site from Leisel. LOVE the Venus flytrap! freaking brilliant!
this is just TOO good!!!
this is just TOO good!!!
i love your creations. that venus fly trap is awesome. i wish i had the pattern as my doctor(who is a strange man for sure,) has a vw bug with the flower vase, and has been looking for one for a long time(fake one LOL) and that would make a perfect christmas present to him as while he is odd, he is also a awesome doctor LOL you going to sell the pattern? if so please let me know. thanks so much
This is such a cool may flower!! :-) I especially love the removable eyeball. I am looking forward to see more of your work.
Straight out of Little Shop of Horrors. OMYG, that eyeball!
You are so creative!!! Thanks for the inspiration! I love the nerves! It's those little details that make big differences! Keep it up, you crochetin' fool! ;^D
I just discovered your blog, and girl, you are my all time favorite-scrumble-crochety hero!!!
way to go!
wow it looks scary in a good way.
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