Today however, I'm showing y'all a scarf that I originally designed for Uncommon Threads, but decided to pull it from the episode, Creepy Crochet, (which will tape this Friday) as their format has changed and this thingie ended up being waaay too complex. So, without further ado take a looksee at the latest and greatest in neck attire, Dem Bones!

Notice the "marrow" that allows the bones to "break" around your neck??? And how 'bout them jagged edges???

Yep, your Lady of the Linoleum is mired in detail (even if it causes me permanent paralysis of the hand). Worked entirely in cotton (Lamb's Pride Cotton Fleece for the bones and Reynolds Saucy for the marrow) and an F hook, this baby is the perfect accessory for the dark evenings of October!
Now, if I hear from you guys that this is a must make for the Halloween Season, I will write it up as I've already pattern-tested the, um, bone-er. I'm warning you though, this Project Wrongway accessory is a classic example of a PITA (pain in the...err...rear) if there ever was one. So, BEWARE. Don't tell me I didn't warn you as you whittle away your evenings with skeins of cotton, hook and myriad curse words for this obtuse pattern in tow.
Lots more ghoulish delights coming your way soon! Currently, I am working on another eyeballed creation, a bloody implement scarf (part of a series I'm calling Slasher Film Chic...I know twisted...whatever) and will soon start on an accessory inspired by Freddy Krueger (also part of Slasher Film Chic)!
Can you tell I grew up in the 80's?
Copyright 2006 Regina Rioux Gonzalez. All rights reserved.
looks fun to wear!
It looks great and is perfect for Halloween or perhaps even as Flinstones Wear.
I could use one of those in my Anatomy class!
Oh man, I LOVE it! Great job, Regina!
Fantastic! I just love it, you are almost convincing me to learn how to crochet.
That is so awesome! What an absolutley cool idea!
That is too cool! Great job! What else could you possibly cook up??
Look at how cool that is. Of course it's a must have!
The comments I leave for you are very repetetive. Blah blah brilliant, blah blah amazing, blah blah blah you rock my world. The detailed asymmetrical shaping of the bone ends blows me away. I am inspired and impressed.
Wow, I am so amazed by your creativity!
That is just way toooo coooool!!! I would love the pattern, I must have that for halloween.
Great job!! You rock!!
Have fun Friday!!
Eeeeewwwwww! (But in a good way.)
Right down to the marrow! Pretty spooky i'd say.
Heck, the best i could do at Halloween was spray paint and hack up some old boxes and go as a robot. totally uninspired eh.
Love it and looking forward to the slasher film chic. :)
That is great! Looks like it would be fun to wear...can't wait to see what you come up with for the slasher set.
Oh. my. gawd. I swear, everytime I come here I am more impressed. You're completely awesome and totally tubular. Rock da house, 80's slasher chick!!
Another disgusting but brilliant creation. Halloween must provide endless inspiration for you..can't wait to see what else is coming.
Woman, you never cease to amaze me with your bizarrely wonderful creativity. A bone scarf? Why, of course! Perhaps a Wrap of Intenstine or a Hat of Splean. Personally, I'm a little surprised that you haven't yet produced a perfectly articulated crocheted heart with valves, arteries and all.
Kickin ass :)
I see you were "going for broke" with this one.
Sorry, it was the best I could do on short notice.
You really do have a demented mind. I like that in a person.
That thing is just as creepy on the internet as it is in person. Way to go :-)
Even though the marrow bits are making me feel faintly sick, I still think that's fabulous! You truly are a source of ever-inspiring ingenuity!
I just can't imagine how you're gonna top this. Fantastic!
I think I may love you, in a totally platonic, you make the coolest things ever kinda way. Another must have pattern. Techinically I grew up in the 90's, but I'm a big horror movie buff, and Elm Street is one of my specialties. Friday the 13th is my husband's, and his favorite holiday is Halloween. He keeps wanting me to make the cool "Halloweenies" he sees on your site. I tell him he has to be a patient boy and wait for you to publish the patterns. Ack! Long post!
absolutely prehistoric and slasher all wrapped into one amazing package. the daughter is very cute too!
you amaze me...
what a cool idea. turned out fabulous!
I want to make one for a friend of mine who's about to finish medical school! Please please post the pattern... free? Maybe? If I send you a ham?
That is so very much worth learning to crochet for.
Would have been good for Halloween... nicer if you could post soon, since you've been saying "soon" since August... any status updates for the boner junkies :P?
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