For the last couple of months whereas I've been plagued with making more of the same, my offspring has been blowing the sides off of the proverbial box, wielding hook and yarn as if she's been doing so since birth creating myriad items at a pace that leaves her mom in the dust! I mean take a look at the stuff she's designing...

*LOVE* the chenille bowtie!
This fabulously talented one just mastered crocheting in the round, creating this amazing cloche AND she even figured out how to construct a rose for embellishment...

Finger knitted scarf anyone? Lena made a bazillion! I am not at all dismayed by her finishing off my plethora of single leftover skeins either...

Not to mention the girl's been further honing her skills as an adept sculptor...

And as if this weren't enough, she cooks and bakes too!

It's like living with a Mini Martha...
Me? Proud? You betcha!
I know it's the obvious response, but . . . Takes after her Mama, doesn't she?
She needs her own show!
Now, see, if I could be guaranteed an awesome kid like that, I might break down one day and have one... Just kidding! She's too cool!! You've done good, Mama!
Very cool-does she remind you of you as a kid?
Several publications eh?
Genius seems to run in the family.
wow! the tank top came out great!
and i LOVE that little sculpture.
so very talented.
WOW! You deserve to be proud. She's a talented treasure, very impressive!!!
Holy Moly! Can I just go hide in my corner now? She is so talented! HOw old was hse when you taught her to crochet?
Proud? DAMN STRAIGHT you should be proud!
That is the coolest! Like mother like daughter. You'll have to co-host a show!
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it? Revel in your daughter's talents. You and she both deserve it.
Hooray for Mini-Martha- only- she has more style than the opriginal! :-)
She's totaly mini-Regina. Oooo, she just blows me away.
Yes, Lena has proven herself to be a brilliant designer. She's easy on the eyes too! Watch out, Mom.
No surprise there! And she is just gawgus, really...she probably doesn't even know that, huh?
How Fantastic! Go, Lena, go!
how wonderful! it just turns a mom to mush. (currently, my 9 y/o son is embroidering an 'original' (as he likes to make clear-because he drew it) skull on a polo...preparing for school)
love love love :D
so awesome!!!!!!!!
love the hat!!!
And proud you should be. She is doing some fantastic work. She is a lucky little girl and you are a lucky mamma to have so much in common.
Wow how cool! Your extremely right to be proud. I'm so proud of my lovely as well. She is big into scrap booking as well as drawing cartoons. She is 22, but is still experimenting with finding herself in the art world.
Who is this other Kelly? I keep thinking that I have posted already. I hope she keeps getting confused too! LOL
oh LL, i SO wish we could get our two tweens together. your daughter is one creative tornado!
i love the bowtie too! the hat! she is really something, just like her mother!
Cheers to mini Martha! I can totally see why you're so proud! She must be an Art teacher's dream student.
So very cool, I'm proud of her and I don't even know her! She is the future of crochet. (Must go hunt for stuff for a Tomato now)
So cool!!! I can't wait until Selma's old enough to cook--did she make the halter too? I would love to have someone running through my stash using up the old bits... maybe I should invite some kids over ;-)
She rocks! Love the designs!
Good gawd!
She is amazingly talented. I think you could use the word 'gifted'!
Really, Wendy is right-she should truly have her own show.
Yay Lena!
Too cool. Do have a pattern for your Mini-Martha? I want one. :)
I think that's 6 year old says she'll learn to crochet and knit...when she gets pregnant.
I love the top/dress she made!
I think that's 6 year old says she'll learn to crochet and knit...when she gets pregnant.
I love the top/dress she made!
again with the'd think I would figure this out..
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