Now, visits to Granny's pad can truthfully at times be a bit boring. Conversely, there are instances when that old lady will drop her normally square demeanor and git her groove on. Armed with this knowledge of pleasurable visits past, our little trio stopped off at the local BevMo to lay in supplies before proceeding to Casa de Granny.
Don't tell anybody, but Granny can be a bit of a lush...
Hey, a lush Granny is a loose Granny and a loose Granny is a very creative Granny. So what's a little alcohol between friends?
Okay, okay! I see the value of a sober Granny! Jeesh.
On the wagon, Granny is sedate, structured and quite literally a stalwart block that can be relied upon in a variety of situations. Just check out this vintage example of Granny in program...

Yes, I admit it. When Granny is dry, She belts out myriad items that are both pretty and functional, if sometimes a wee bit kitchy. But check out what happens when Granny has just a little sip of her tall cool one...

Another good example of tipsy Granny...

Basically, when Granny is sippin', she's a little less square and, in turn, a bit more flexible.
Now, how can this be a bad thing???
However, it's true. When Granny is, well, plastered, she does tend to get a bit crazy...

Backing off the sauce when she's in that state is generally considered to be a good thing by many of her companions, or so I'm told. Apparently clowns and seals balancing balls atop their noses made entirely from G-Squares are not projects that everyone longs to um, err, sink their hooks into. I, however, think Granny's a blast fully lit! Hell, I'm all for a G-Square Ring Master (and will throw one together this year for sure), but then again I'm not yer average chick. Like you hadn't noticed...
Granny's states of intoxication having been articulated, I must inform you that my last visit with Granny ended up less crazy party and more catch-up with old friends. Heck, Granny must have missed me because the minute our trio excited our vehicle, Granny wobbled out of her domicile and started jabbering a mile a minute. She garnered my attention so quickly that I'd completely forgotten about our supply stop en route! No matter. It was good to reminisce and blow through my stash during our visit. Actually, who am I kidding? I eradicated a HUGE amount of my wool stores when hanging with The Granster! Take a looksee...

I know, kind of sedate for me, but I just had to make one "normal" item for a change...

Ahhh, Granny really is the greatest!
Have you hooked your Granny today???
No? Well, here are some more resources to get you started:
- The basics and then some
- Half Grannies (I used these at the top of my Great Granny Shawl shown above)
- Neato Granny slippers
- The ubiquitous 'ghan
- A headband
- Cherubic Grannies
- Oooh-la-la a beret!
- Granny patterns galore
Well, you know how I feel about Granny...she's my fave!
I can't reiterate it often enough, "Granny Squares are the building blocks to fashion."
Go Granny, Go!
By the way...did you JUST make that classic g-square afghan? It's gorgeous! Did Lena help you with the squares or are you just a motivated crochet speedster?
Ahh Granny, is there anything she can't do? I love your Granny shawl, lots of great colours!
i love how you can make granny so interesting.
so, when are you available to see me?
Oh that is just too exquisite!! Lady L, you really know how to git yer granny on! Granny and I go way back, back to when I first picked up a hook and yarn. The old pattern books made me guffaw!! The model in the picture looks like she'd really rather be doing something else, no?
Your 'Granny' shawl is awesome....too neat. I have just put 'the new granny square' booklet on the list of things to get.
LOL - personally, I much prefer trashed granny, as well. She's fab-o, as is your 'ghan.
I used to buy this granny square magazine when I first learned to crochet. circa 1990. Does anyone else remember? I taught myself to crochet using that magazine. I'm kind of nostalgic for some of the patterns now.
ahhhhhh... the granny square!
that is the very first thing that i learned to crochet... i didn't know what the stitches were called... i only knew the granny!
all of my projects for 10 years were based on the granny... ok, i admit it, 20 years!
i still love it!
i love your vintage craft books and your granny shawl is exquisite!
I started crocheting when I was 12 (a LOOOOOOONG time ago), picked it up again at 36? 37? , and I *still* have yet to do A SINGLE granny square.
Your giant shawl is bee-u-tiful!!!!
The colors are beautiful-nice job!
Ok don't think I am tipsy, but I really like The New Granny Square.
Something else to want to get my hands on.
That is Wonderful! I have quite a few visits with Granny! My son is even visiting Granny!
Actually I should break into my stash and get some of it used up! A granny would be the best for it too!
Hey, Granny is the whole reason I wanted to learn how to crochet when I was 10. Those colors, that contrast against the black! It was irresistable.
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