Yes folks, my February crochet-a-thon ended this morning with a visit to the master of my office's FedEx dimension for a celebratory box hand-off. What was in that box inquiring minds would like to know? This...

Ain't it purty?
Nothing like a crocheted bowling bag to help you get in touch with your inner-plaid-pants-donning, rented-shoe-wearing self.
It's flamerific, is it not?
Even I was proud of myself. This thing is highly constructed peeps. Lots o' parts. I inserted a zipper too...not bad eh?

It actually pained me to ship this bag off this morning. I want one! However, I don't want it bad enough to start crocheting another one anytime soon. I need a serious break. Really though, I designed and executed this um, ball-bearer, in 7 days (2 full days and 5 evenings). I think I broke my own record.
Have no fear though. There be themed bowling bags in the future coming to you from LabLinoleum. Count on that.
Happy Thursday peeps! Can't wait for the weekend when I plan to crochet or knit whatever I want. So there.
* This bag is a bowling bag style purse. In no way will it hold the weight of a bowling ball. If you're a faux bowler, this is your bag...
Copyright 2007 Regina Rioux Gonzalez. All rights reserved.
wow, you have skills. are you selling these stuff?
Totally, wickedly awesome!
What did you use for yarn? Answers woman!
Holy crap - that's amazing. You are such a crochet ninja! Congratulations on surviving February!
So you are gonna give us the patteern, right? :) That is the coolest ball hauler I've ever seen.
Man, I need to learn to crochet...
Yay, yay, yay for you! Yay for being able to craft without pressure. YAY!!!!
That bag is AWE-SOME. I love all your stuff but that really takes the cake (no, you don't need to crochet me a cake now!) It's so beautiful and well constructed and wonderful and I'm just really happy for you!
Honey, you must crochet like a FIEND!
ps. The Creative Genius has just discovered bowling - the only sport she's ever been any good at.
That bag RULES!
i love it!! can't wait to see the future themes, either!
suddenly i have a crazy desire to bowl. hmm...
mmm, fire...
my best bowling score ever was 11, maybe i could use one as a diaper bag?
happy march - glad you made it through february!
I love it! How much weight it holds?
Perfect game!
That looks terrific! what kind of support does it have inside?
It's totally flame-liciously awesome!! Can't wait to see what else develops from your creativity.
You have managed to top yourself again! Simply incredible! I love it.
That is so cool!! You could make a MINT with a booth at the Ladies National Bowling Tournament!!
Yer bowler is wicked keen, Lady L! Lovelovelove it. The flames, the purple, it's pure crochet heaven.
Love it love it love it.
Did I mention I love it?
I must learn to crochet better and make one.
OMG! that is too cool! that makes me want to dig my bowling ball out of the bottom of the closet and make a bag!!!!
Nice Work, Tootsie!
The crocheted flames are faboo! Also, the color combo is totally amazing!
Must. Have. One. Now. Is this for publication? Where?
I LOVE me this bag!
You're crazy with the talent.
totally awesome bag, and kudos for having it featured in! :-P
Oh my gosh, how cool is that! Love your style.
HOT DANG! Love it!!!!
Fantastic! Fantastic, fantastic. Can't say it enough! I'm suddenly inspired to roll a gutter ball or two....
Ton sac est sublime!
Oh my Lord, this is so cool I don't know what to do with myself.
so lovely! and i think i would take this one with a side of bacon - you are such a wit!!!!! i could wear this with my "betty" bowling shirt! perfect!
Working on finishing one of these right now. I love it... only suggestion I would make is that the Knitscene pattern doesn't feature a side view or diagram on how to assemble. I've had trouble figuring out which end is up so to speak....the pics on your site have been a great help.
Thanks for a great crochet!
do you think MAYBE this would hold a 6 pound bowling ball?
do you think this would carry a 6# bowling ball?
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