Friday, September 30, 2005

The Brothers Bacon

Sometimes I finish a creature, or creatures in this case, and think to myself, Lady, you've lost yer mind. Such was the case with the Brothers Bacon or Crispy and Soggy as they've been christened by their new mom, Andrea.

I cannot tell you what precipitated my decision to make crocheted bacon creatures, but I can tell you that upon reading that Andrea's favorite sandwich is a BLT (as confessed in her Secret Sistahs Swap bio), I knew that Crispy and Soggy needed to move in with her. Little did I know that the boys would get to work doing some reconnaissance for the VLA...

Go check out Andrea's blog for full details. And the pictures? PRICELESS.


  1. That IS priceless! I love the posts by the Brother's Bacon.

    Humm wonder if the VLA would ever have a flower for a member?

    btw: you're "tagged" on my post.


  2. I swear there is just no end to your talents. I love the way your mind works and how your hands can bring all those creatures to life.
    So, are we gonna see any citrus action? I love the lemon.

  3. LOL AWOL under mysterious circumstances...


  4. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Loved it! Hahaha!

  5. holy guacamole how funny is that!!??!!
