Friday, September 22, 2006

My Inner Geek

Surprisingly, getting in touch with my inner geek has not been a difficult process for me. In fact the older I get, the easier it is to for me to fully inhabit my inner dork dimension. Why is this the case? Well, now that I'm older and have established myself in the world of the cube, I've got cash-flow. And what does a dork do with pockets full of duckets? Buy geek-friendly items such as this, this, this (yes, I own all of these...) and this, amuse oneself with geek-friendly activities such as this (no, I haven't partaken this activity...yet) and travel to various geek meccas about the globe such as this.

So yeah, time to get up close and personal with my inner hobbit as can only be achieved by physically transporting oneself to Middle, I mean New Zealand.

Yes, NEW ZEALAND! Wooo Hooo!

Although, my inner geek is going to have to fight hard for sight-seeing venues because geek girl is not alone on this trip. Nope. She'll be accompanied by Empress Epicurean who loves wine, food and well, life's lavish luxuries. In fact, Empress Epicurean ordered her knave, I mean kindly requested her husband, to seek accommodations upon this small landmass, otherwise known as Island of Wine...

Hmmm, 29 vineyards dotting the landscape makes for a very hosed hobbit-tess as well as a sated Empress. Nonetheless, in between imbibes I will be...

...wielding needles and hook...

...practicing my Elvish...

...seeking out fiber-filled venues...

...traveling through the deep places of the world...

...and of course, shipping home cases of vintage, to name but a few activities.

Don't worry though, I plan to post a free pattern this weekend to tied you all over in my absence. When I return, I will post Dem Bones for your October delight.

Move ova Frodo, here I come!


  1. Oh, how wonderful! Have a terrific time.

  2. When we get back from our respective trips we'll have to compare our finds - how exciting! Have much wine, of course.

    And, hey, if you're in need of some reading for your flight - try the latest read from my relocated-to-the-blog book club, if you're into humorous travel writing.

    It'll be in my lap as I fly to Rome. Open during the moments when I'm not highly sedated.

    Travel safe!

  3. Safe travels!! And take some Middle Earth pictures for us poor saps who have to live vicariously through you (as always).

  4. Have a fabulous time! Bump your head on the ceiling of a hobbit house for me. =)

  5. What fun! Wish I could be there too. If you run into Strider could you give him a little shove him in my direction? *wink*

  6. I haven't seen any of the movies (I know! I Know!), but if you meet any Legolasses, Aragorns, or Elronds (although that name reminds me of L. Ron), just give them my number. I can take care of them for you.

  7. I humbly offer my services to carry your bagage.. just let me go.. .pretty please....

  8. ooooh you and my daughter Grace can talk to each other. she has another friend who speaks it almost fluently.... gadzooks. what a great sounding trip. have loads of fun !

  9. Anonymous10:18 PM

    So close yet so far away.... I am sure you will love it. And the feeling there is beautiful.

  10. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Have a grand time!!!

  11. You can just call me jealous! Have a wonderful time!

  12. You are coming at a beautiful time of year. North Island should be quite nice right now, and it seems Spring has officialy set in down south. Flowers are blooming, lambs are jumping, hobbits are hobbiting.

    Enjoy your visit!!!

  13. Can we still be friends even though I've never seen any of the LotR movies? If not, I understand.

    Have a lovely trip -- sounds fantastic! Drink lots of wine for me, please!

  14. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Good for you! NZ (I mean Middle Earth) is very high on my "places to visit" list.

  15. Have a wonderful trip!!!! Muy feliz viaje!!!

  16. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Oh how I wish you lived near me, and I could learn to be geeky from the true geeky goddess herself.
