Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Status of Things

Another rough year here at ChezLinoleum. Keeping up with my blog is really next to impossible at this point. I am declaring this an official blog vacation. Don't know when or if I'll be back.

Thank you everyone for your wealth of kindness and support. You've been amazing.


  1. We will miss your wit and wisdom. And your great crochet.

    Please pop in from time to time and let us know you are still alive.

    Hugs, Euphoria

  2. I sympathize; I'm having a rough time too, even though I've had lots of good things happen. If there's anything I can do, let me know.

  3. Sorry to hear things still aren't great - hope you manage to get everything back on track soon. Do come back one day - you are missed.

  4. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Sorry to hear that you're having rough times and I'll miss your blog very much!

  5. Sad to see you go, but I did the same thing myself when things got rough in 2007 (after my father dies), so I understand completely. Thinking of you.

  6. Major changes in life seem to have a nulling effect on blogs. I, like Eva, have had a difficult time committing to posting since my father passed in Sept 2009. I keep hoping I'll get back into it. I also miss seeing your posts. Maybe you'll be inspired to make a comeback in the future. I'll keep you in my blogfeed and watch for you. :)

  7. Anonymous3:25 PM

    I don't know you, but I love you. And I'll totally miss your blog. I hope things turn around for you really soon - for my sake :)

    Take care,


  8. I´ll keep you in my prayers. I´ll miss your blog, but I hope you´ll come back some day. Take care.

  9. FLgranma2:49 PM

    Hope things get better for you. Enjoy reading your blog and will miss it. Take care.

  10. I'll miss you, but am so glad that you are taking time for yourself! I'll keep checking in!
