Okay, this is my one-sentence whine for the day. Onward!
As an extension of my last post about why I blog I wanted to share with you what I believe to be one of the best outcomes of my foray into world of blogging: The Swap! Oh yeah, this is where I insinuate myself and my creations onto someone else in exchange for something they make that I really, REALLY must have. Fortunately for me, I've not had much trouble enticing other bloggers into a Linoleum Trade Agreement ("LTA"). I mean, c'mon! You just don't see eyeballed food in the marketplace very often, thereby making my creations a novelty, right? Just agree with me and no one will get hurt.
Anyway, so far so good. I've entered into quite a few LTA's during this, my first year as a blogger, that have landed me such items as: a quirky yellow chicken ala Lyn; an awesome crocheted flopsaber from my buddy Ro; tube sock-inspired Ned, birthed from the hook of Renee; my new roomie Elspeth, created by none other than Jane; and of course, everyone's favorite shifty-eyed kumquat, Gary, who came to stay at my humble abode via Jessica. And these acquisitions were just the one's that I remembered off the top of my head! There are many, many more items that lovingly adorn the interior landscape of my domicile.
Just take a look at the new acquisitions that I've coerced, I mean enticed, out of my latest victims, I mean LTA partners into sending me this month...
Swapped a holiday chicken for this faboo elfin-inspired boot handcrafted by the Naive Knitter herself, Martha!
Sent a Chapeau du Poulet in exchange for this amazing embroidered rocket launcher from Lisa which now adorns the pristine white walls of my hallway gallery...
Two chicken nuggets for...Oh yeah, chicken-inspired socks from Andrea. Are these not moi?
Onto the unsolicited gifties that I feel incredibly blessed to have been given from my buddies out there in blogdom...
From Cordelia, these amazing eyeball socks!
Peeps I love socks and have been secretly trying to figure out how to make socks with sandals look cool. So far, the experiment has been unsuccessful. Can you say dork? I digress.
Deneen sent me these totally groovy craft books! As many of you know, I love the oldies, but goodies...
Awesome handcrafted Monster Crochet stationary from multi-talented Ellen, my SNB buddy! (Andrea do you recognize the star of this stationary?)
Finally, a package of goodies from The Shrone complete with chickens, eyeballs and scorpions! Does this woman know me or what?
Sometimes, when my coercion fails or unsolicited packages fail to show up at my mailbox I must resort to old-fashioned patronage because let's face it, getting stuff in the mail is awesome! So, I figure everyone loves to receive a little cold hard cash every now and again and I would much rather put said greenbacks in the pockets of my fellow bloggers/craftsters than anywhere else because (i) I receive a unique handcrafted item from someone I am inspired by and/or admire and (ii) I support his or her stash-enhancement potential by giving them some working capital in exchange for their wares. Voila! It's a win win in my book!
PayPal account at the ready, I commissioned Heather to whip me up this stunning mandala in red. Everyone say ooooooh...ahhhhh...
I also purchased Jess's new knitted toys booklet, which is brilliant as is the author!
It is an absolute pleasure to interact with such an amazing group of creative people. I love that you share your lives and creations with me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart...
oohh ahh is right!
i am honored to be a participant in a LTA agreement!
Hell--o! Doncha know socks and birkenstocks are the ultimate companion? Gaaaaa......
Love your new stuff.
Great elf shoe! And eyeball socks!
Oooo... look! Soggy! I always knew he was a ladies man... looks like he's doing a little beefcake (or bacon?) for the ladies on those cards!
A new post by Crispy and Soggy is due any day now. ;)
Oh... yeah... and the trick with socks with sandals? Just *know* they're cool, and they are! (It's part of being a shrone, don't you know.)
The MC stationary is waaaayyyy cool. Crocheted eyeballs in your mailbox; who wouldn't love that?? :-)
Wow! what a great stuff. I had to look at all the links and see everything. Love the flopsaver and the eyeball stationary.
I LOVE the eyeball socks! They rock!
Nice things happen to creative people. Hope to see you tomorrow at the WeHo SnB! It wouldn't be a good Thursday without Regina!!!
It is always good to trade. I do that myself with other of my talents like fire breathing and stuff, I just traded the gig for a cooked chicken as I demostrated. I wish it was a ham. LOL. Just love your art.
Oh yeah! I want to join in some swaps next year. So far, I've only traded ATC's on the internet and I guess I worry that my creativity is not there in fiber stuff... I need to learn to break out of the pattern mode and go more free-form...
Love your style!
Merry Christmas!!
looks like you're the one making out with all the goodies! i love the elfin shoe!! i'd wear mine all the time! the eyeballs look totally gross but will be totally cool. are they floating candles?
fun fun fun!
hmmm. swaps. you have me curious now.
Well how about getting a pair of those socks that look like gloves for feet? Then crochet some jewelry and "paint" for the nails. That would be so you!
Just another thought.
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