Anyway, my big loom purchase arrived yesterday! Woo hoo!
No, I didn't buy a floor loom, although I would love one. However, I'd have to get rid of the hubby and kid to make room for the loom and collateral accouterments. And then there is the wall space issue. I just don't have an available inch of space in my condo to accommodate a warping board.
Some day I'll be able to be a floor loom weaver again. Until that time, I'm having fun with the small loom weaving experience.
Enter my new tri-loom!
Okay, this baby really cannot be considered a small loom measuring in at 6' across. However, one weaves on a tri-loom as one would on a small lap-type loom. If fact, weaving on a triangle loom is virtually the same as weaving on a diamond-type loom (go here and scoll to the middle of the page for pdf instructions) or a bias loom. These looms require the weaver to work warp and weft at the same time with one continuous yarn. It is a super cool process. Totally easy and the results are pretty darn stunning.
At any rate, my tri-loom will allow me to make a shawl in a day, or so they say. Not only will I be able to work quickly, but I can weave tartans as well! How awesome is that?
I'm so excited! Actually too excited...
Last night in my hurry to get my new loom assembled, I had a bit of an accident. I propped up the newly assembled large triangle on my ottoman against my chair in our living room, nails facing outward. Then I proceeded to sit in front of the tri-loom on the ottoman in an attempt to set up the loom stand. I must have moved around a bit too much or something because the loom had come down atop my head before I knew what was happening. Oh yeah, nails collided with skull. Needless to say I suffered a minor wound, which my sweet girl cleaned and swabbed with Neosporin for me.
I'm an idiot.
Anyway, after recounting my "when good looms go bad" tale to fellow lap loom weaving addict, Bri, this morning she countered with this very apropos response, "Well, the loom is now anointed with your blood and full of power." Actually, my boo boo is tingling so there's probably something to her statement. Or I have sepsis. Whatever. Bring on the yarn!