It's finally finished!
View the Tomatoes that started it all.
Then take a look at the Tomatoes that were created from far and wide!
Inspired? Why don't you make your own Psychotic Tomato and send a picture of said creature to me for display in the gallery???
You know you wanna...
Thanks to everyone for the lovely birthday wishes!
I must resist challenge.... feel myself weakening.... being drawn towards crochet hook. Force too powerful! Aaahhhhhhhh!
wonderful i'm off to check out the pix!
I would love to make a tomato but seeing as how I have a million flag afghans to make in the next month and only got one done. Well maybe next month. Love your tomatoes though!!!
I too have to resist - but its hard. The picture really made me laugh out loud.
Nice Tomatoes, you are very talented. Thanks for sharing
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