Now for my irregularly scheduled post...
Lark Books so kindly returned my Mixed Grill Place Mats and collateral assorted appliques to me after having photographed them for Kooky Crochet. I was delighted to see my wares upon unearthing them from the box because, well, I wasn't expecting to ever see them again. You see, publishers usually keep the FO(s) a designer sends them (at least this is what I've gleaned from my limited experience with this industry). Makes sense. After all, they usually pay for the yarn and give the designer a fee, so the item(s) made are technically their property.
However, the Lark project was a bit different in that I paid for my materials, which pretty much amounted to my entire fee for the assignment. I didn't mind though. This was my first foray into the crafty publishing world so I was in it more for the exposure than the fee. Nonetheless, it was good to hug my place mats again upon our reunion. Yes, I hugged the grills. Hey, they're soft and they don't talk back! Okay, I have issues. Whatever.
Anyway, I had almost forgotten about the assorted appliques I made to accompany this project (Lark used them as props in the overall layout). So, after having put the place mats to rest in their drawer, I placed the appliques atop my small pile of WIPs for further study. Eventually, my grilled yarn buddies would be reborn! It is very Frankensteinian over here...
Meanwhile, time marched on...
And marched some more...
Then the other day I was taking a stroll past my WIP pile and I distinctly heard the calling of the meat. I'm not sure, but I think the crocheted flesh said, "Felt us." So, I did.
And a cheeseburger...
I kinda like the result. So much so that I believe these felted fleshy buddies should definitely adorn an old denim jacket I have lurking in my closet.
Voila! If this ain't a perfect example of what's old is new again, then I don't know what is!
Copyright 2007 Regina Rioux Gonzalez. All rights reserved.
Hi Lady Linoleum! I just wanted to introduce myself as a big fan of your blog ever since I crocheted the monster eyeball! And also I wanted to show you my animation made from knitting and crochet. It has yarn blood in it :D (sorry for being so cheeky but i think you'll really enjoy it)
Max xx
you better watch it - I know Wee Linoleum will steal that jacket!
Oh, they are gonna be perfect for adding a little something to a denim jacket!
That's a great way to have your meat and fiber too! Cool, that you got your FOs back!
lol, those dogs need a shave! and i think i would felt the cheese seperate so it has less texture while keeping the burger's.
I'm having visions of grandeur -- Meat Coat with Flamin' Skirt (how you gonna cook the meat without some flames down below?) and Smokin' Hat. Fabulous!
So can you needle felt on top of the felted yarn? Could you add condements to your burger with a bit of colored roving? Maybe the felted yarn isn't dense enough to hold needle felting, but I thought it was worth a querry.
Yum! Felted meat! Excellent. LOVE the steak.
Interesting felted food! The steak looks like a real-life dog squeaky steak :)
Interestingly enough, I think the felted food looks almost real. Maybe that's because I haven't had a cheeseburger in a while, but right now, I just want to bite into that yummy-looking piece of crochet.
Fasting sucks.
Hope your hand is feeling better. My right thumb is perfectly OK now, but I fell down the stairs yesterday and caught my left thumb on the banister. Now it hurts. Fortunately, I do most of the knit/crochet work with my right!
hi lady linoleum,t hat felted food looks great!
Wow, so great! I love them!
That felted burger looks like steam rising from it, ready to sink your teeth into! [i would have to embellish my burger with red,yellow, and white yarn, with green beads for the relish.]
Felted food, who'da thunk? You're just so creative and always inspire.
Very cool stuff. I like your blog -- I'm a novice crocheter (and hopeless at knitting), but you're an inspiration.
I'm going to add you to my Tactile Muse links, if that's okay, and come back to visit often.
Devon Ellington
Ink in My Coffee:
The Tactile Muse:
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