Wednesday, August 21, 2013


One of my all time favorite type of hats is the beret. At this point, I've made more than my share. The one pictured below was thrown together with scrap yarn, while watching a 2012 documentary on Bob Marley.

I totally free-formed the entire thing in a few hours.

It was an enjoyable crochet AND a stash-buster to boot!

Now I have something to pull about my ears when sitting around the campfire next week in Yosemite! Okay, I have lots of hats to choose from for this purpose, but I am definitely bringing this one with me anyway.

I think I may need to crochet a few dreads to pin to my head...

Many thanks to Heather for modeling and Steve for snapping the pics!

Happy Wednesday, everyone!


yayamary56 said...

Love it...thanks for sharing! It has real character :-)

yayamary56 said...

Love it...thanks for sharing! It has real character :-)