Saturday began early with a blast of animated crafty reorganization. I’ve acquired a few new tools in recent months (okay, more than a few) and, well, such acquisitions have required me to do a little spatial rehab of my living room (read: too much crap, too little square footage). Currently my communal living space is home to a couple of large looms, myriad small looms, knitting, crochet and embroidery implements, needle-felting weaponry and yes, a brand new spinning wheel (and all of the stuff that comes with it)! This is in addition to the usual type of living room fare: home electronics; comfy arse-supporting furnishings; computer; all the impedimenta a couch jockey could want or need…you know the drill. Fortunately hubs and kid don’t hassle me about my stuff taking up residence in there. They’re both very tolerant and I am very thankful for their sensitivity to my fiber dominion.
Here’s the new Fiber Shui, which currently radiates outward from my favorite chair…

The small bookshelf, a legacy item which sits adjacent to my chair, is just perfect for my spinning tools, ball winder, swift and stitch dictionaries.
Freshly wound balls of newly spun yarn sit atop the shelf…

Around the backside of my chair and below an antique school desk is a smattering of knitting, crocheting and weaving supplies…

Adjacent the opposite arm of my chair is my little sewing cabinet and my brand new spinning wheel! Love my Lendrum!

After the organization spree I was ready to get down to some serious fiber play where I found myself mid-shawl on my tri-loom…

Using a very nice hand-dyed boucle that I purchased at a yarn show last year…

Completed a little hand-dying of my own. More fingering weight burgundy to pink goodness…

Also did a little spinnin’. Definitely just cutting my teeth on the wheel. Still haven’t learned to control the spin factor yet, but I do have moments of spinning clarity where I do see improvement in my technique. Here’s a batch of gently washed hanks…

And a bobbin loaded with newly spun wool…

Really, what an improvement from my first batches! Plying is still a bit of a painful process, but I am making strides on that front too, however small.
Sunday I found myself equally busy. Hit the PCC Flea Market in the a.m., followed by my art group in the afternoon. We are, thankfully, almost finished with our current project, which we’ve been working on for almost two years. Most of the group is anxious to begin something new. The evening consisted of more personal crafty exploration while indulging in a little Tin Man on the Sci Fi Channel. All in all, not a bad way to blow a few days!
This week will see the beginning of two new patterns for Crochet Today mag as well as completion of a few holiday gifts for family and friends. December just keeps moving along! That’s okay, I’ll rest in January.
Have a wonderfully productive week everyone!
I also watched a bit of Tin Man last night. It was interesting. If I didn't have choir until halfway through tonight's episode, I would have watched it again. Good thing we can record.
I love that antique desk! And congrats on the reorg... I know I always feel better when everything is in its proper place. :-)
I have a little "bookshelf/side table" (1st pic) that serves a very similar function. Patterns on the bottom, ongoing basket in the middle and the top shelf get to be the phone zone and space for my coffee mug/ can of beer depending on the time of day/ day of week.
Thanks for sharing, you make spinning look very easy. Love your Crafty Space.
"December is such a nutty time of year" really ought to appear in lights before me as I awake each morning... a not so subtle daily reminder that it is best to roll with the nuttiness at this time of year.
see you, g xo
Glad it's not just me that accumulates crafting clutter! Thank goodness for tolerant families...(I knew you'd crack and get a spinning wheel!)
fiber shui!!!!
you crack me up... lovely yarns-your dyes came out really nicely!
Huh. My living room looks a lot like yours. So does my bedroom. And the 'back room.' I haven't taken over the kitchen yet., but I'm eyeing the dining room.
you are so very crafty!
how do you manage to spread yourself in so many directions?
i always feel inspired when i look at what you do!
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