Look at my beautiful offspring modeling the hat she knit up for her boyfriend. Oh, and did I mention that this is her first finished knitted object? I taught the young one how to knit only a few short weeks ago. Massive props for tackling a hat her first time at the needles. Speaking of needles...yep, she used dpns. Can you believe it??? That's my girl, fearless to the core!

Look at how even her stitches are! And that cute dangling pompom...

I think she did an outstanding job! I also think that she is amazing (and not just because she is my daughter) because she is always thinking outside the box, unafraid of challenges and well, let's face it, she's got mad skills. Basically, my child makes me look a hack and I have to tell you all that I'm totally okay with this...
Lena, you go girl! xoxo
What a fancy chip, she is - that Lena. Nice hat!
I wouldn't expect anything less than mad crafty skills from Teen Queen Linoleum!
I love Lena's perfectly bored model look in the photo.
Wow! She did a great job! And she IS beautiful. congrats to you both.
So pretty. You make good kids.
Your kids make good hat.
Way to go, Lena! Awesome job and way to rock the dpns! I agree with Ellen that she has mastered the model look! Awesome!
Dang, she just learned? I still can't do dpns...that's awesome!
The boyfriend better recognize the skillz
really cool hat. just wish it was in crochet. :(
That is a cool hat! I love it.
First hat is a wowzer!
You've got a good and talented apple there.
Nice work Lena!
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