How's tricks?
I know, I know. I've left my blog unattended again. December has been rough. What can I say? This month has been alternately plagued by myriad divorce proceedings, health issues (which I'm sure can be attributed to the stress surrounding my myriad divorce proceedings) as well as strangely pleasurable (despite all of the divorce and health misadventures) holiday endeavors which have included much eating, drinking and making merry with family and friends.
Can we all say hallelujah for family and friends??? There is NO WAY I would have gotten through this year without my peeps. I love you all to the depths of my soul!
Group hug!
Yes, well, in addition to the peepage lending me their shoulders to cry on, shoving platefuls of holiday goodies in front of my face AND keeping my wine glass filled to the rim, I've also been able to draw comfort from my craft. I mean, you should see the piles of stuff I've made this year that have yet to be photographed! It's nuts. Hell, I may have been a mess in 2009, but a productive mess no less and this week has been no exception. Yes, I been alternately in the kitchen making cookies with my Mom and sisters or sitting in front of one of my spinning wheels making yarn. As such, here is this week's homespun bounty...
I call this yarn, affectionately, The Christmas Catastrophe!

It's purty, no? Okay, it's weird. But it is also sparkly! My favorite color is sparkly...
And here is the more sedate spinning experiment of this week...

After looking at the image above, I cannot believe I just characterized this yarn as sedate. I am losing my mind...slowly...but surely.
Anyway, the lovely, shiny yarn above was spun from pulled silk sari fiber. Neato, right? It's shiny! I like shiny almost as much as sparkly...
Can I get another Ooooooooooh?
How about an Ahhhhhhhhhh?
Thank you very much...
Okay, I have tons more stuff to show you guys so I promise to be better about posting. Also, since there seems to be widespread interest in the critter-sized Lumberjack Hat, I will be posting the pattern soon.
Stay tuned!
Hugs and kisses all around!
ooooooo, ahhhhhhhh, pretty yarn !!!
Glad to hear you're doing okay all things considered. Have a fabulous Christmas !
When I saw that you had a new post up I was all like, "yaaaaaaaaaay"
And then I was all like, "Ooooooh sparkly and shiny"
btw my word I have to type to comment is "Felst" its funny, right?
where did December go? Where did 2009 Go lol
I love the Christmas catastrophe! It's inspired. Beautiful yarn.
Don't know where December went either, but I'm still finishing some Christmas knitting.
I'm sorry you have to do all that divorce stuff. I'm hoping for the best possible outcome for you... and that you find the happy needed to balance the Bad Stuff in your yarn.
Wow, they could've made for great Christmas presents. Do you sell them? By the way, come by and do yoga if you have the time.
Ooooooo's and ahhhhhh's a plenty! (^_^) i want to feel it, tis purdy =P
I love your Tomatoes from the Edge by the by.. they're groovy!
Wishing you smiles all the while in 2010 :o)
Word Verification = Bubili - cute!
Sparkly is one of my favorite colors too.
I can hardly wait for the hat pattern. I better connect by RSS,cuz I am really simple.
My verify word is merclexi - hope that is not a disease! Maybe a crafting fever - that's OK!
Hi, I think I posted on the wrong blog (Nov...sorry, very new to this)...I ordered your jellyfish pattern on 12/26 and havent recieved it as of yet, I was wondering if there was a problem with the payment?
thanks for any info
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