You see, I had a wild idea stuck in my craw, which entailed weaving on the hex loom in a similar fashion to that of weaving on any other small frame loom. I envisioned a straight weave, working warp and weft simultaneously, thereby eradicating the complicated warping method previously promoted for hex shaped lap looms. My crazy contemplations were definitely not in vain for I was eventually able to figure the weave out...

Not bad eh?
Here's the hex freshly liberated from it's frame....

Methinks I see a woven hex throw or bedspread in my future....
WOW!! I love it :-)
This is a very well explained blog...nice way to show how it is done.Looks nice,colorful and vibrant.
Yes, it wants to be a crazy colorful hex spread!
Oooh, very nice! Can't wait to see that awesome bedspread! ;)
I have much love of the hex loom.
Hi there - I just found your blog and I absolutely love it! I am a new blogger (crafts, crochet, mouse musings) and I thought I'd say hi and invite you over to mine. Happy blogging - Diana (
Very colourful and innovative.
I have pleasure in passing on a Sunshine Blog Award. When I opened your blog and saw the enticing header I wondered what I was going to see. I found the rest of the blog was the same. A bright cheerful, innovative mixture of crafts and beautiful designs. Thank you
Wow! Will you be writing a tutorial and taking some pix to show how you did that? I'm in awe!!! I'm sooooo tempted to build a hex now but I don't think I could figure it out like you did....
wow! it's so cool! and it's very colorful!
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