Yesterday evening, in fact, brought a bit of said adventure to the table. Literally. My daughter's boyfriend, who has become a daily feature in our lives, sat down next to me at the dining room table while I was fiddling around with yarn and hook and asked me to teach him to crochet so that he could make his own beanies (the kid wears one EVERY day). The offspring followed her man into the room, project bag in tow, ready for the show. Dealing with a design detail at that very moment, I handed the boyfriend, Eric, a hook and some yarn and asked LenaLinoleum to get him started. Yeah, pretty much that effort ended with the offspring telling the boyfriend that we was slow (although she used a different term), while he exclaimed her to be a terrible teacher. Fortunately, my design conundrum solved, I was able to step right in and salvage the situation. Eric was crocheting like a pro within a half hour and I believe he'll be ready to tackle a beanie pattern tonight.
A year ago, I would never have pictured myself sitting contently in my own home, happily hanging out with my family. My household had become such an unhappy place for such a long period of time that I forgot what it felt like to experience such a simple pleasure. So wonderful to sit around the table with the teens yesterday, all three of us crocheting, talking and laughing. Change is good.
Here's a pic of my fave teen couple...

Sweet! I love it when boys crochet and/or knit! Hopefully, Lena absorbed some of your patient teaching skills!
its my pleasure to go through your enjoyed reading your post..thanks for sharing...
This totally just made me cry, but to be honest I hadn't had any coffee yet.
I tried to teach my daughter's boyfriend to crochet. He just couldn't quite get it and then he totally lost patience with it. The next week he said he was crocheting a purse for her... mind you, all he had learned was dc back and forth.. this should eb interesting.
never underestimate the "simple" pleasures of home... glad your new home is already being christened with happiness!
you go, girlie!
how wonderful. makes me wanna have kids!
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