I know, I know. You all thought I was just an iconoclastic crocheting fool who nonetheless attempts to keep her finger on the pulse of her Inner Granny with each and every creation. Well peeps news flash...I knit as well. Just not as much (in recent years) as I crochet. However, around the holidays I unearth my needles with the hopes that I will be able to create wonderful handmade gifties for family and friends.
Why knit my handmade goodies, inquiring minds want to know, when I could simply crochet these items instead?
The primary reason: SPEED.
I have a confession to make, I knit mightily fast folks. Where my knitting muse is lacking in creative vision, my knitting engine makes up for in turbo speed. And anyway, who needs to be knitting pattern auteur when there are so many books and resources out there making any knitter's FO look like it could have come directly from the golden needles of Kaffe Fassett himself! From toys to a wardrobe for your tots, from sweaters (or jumpers for you Jane) to chapeaux and of course the ubiquitous scarf! I assure you, there is a pattern to please everyknitter (yes, this is a word!). Despite this well known fact, I have been known to chart a mean intarsia pattern, but NOT with Christmas looming just around the corner. Nope, I'd rather bask in the glow of someone else's painstaking patterning.
Hence this lovely capelet...

Knit entirely in garter stitch from a lovely Three Olive yarn medley, this cute little number worked up in a matter of hours.
Now, the flared legwarmers...

Cascade 220 and stockinette stitch combined with an evening in front of the tube and voila! Legwarmers for my tween.
And the soon to be finished gauntlets...

Wild, wooly and very, very easy!
Not bad for a few hours of work eh?
So, what's so cool about two sticks?
- Knitting makes a phenomenal fabric.
- Two Sticks + LadyLinoleum = Speedy "Knitter" Gonzalez
- Intarsia/Fair Isle addict found buried underneath charts. Love those intarsia knitting charts. Love to make 'em. Love to read 'em. Love to knit 'em. 'Nuf said.
- Riding the knitting popularity wave and collecting as many books, patterns and knitting paraphenalia as possible before the wave peters out. And it will eventually wane. Everything has its ebb and flow.
- The ability to frog eyelash and mohair yarn. Just try to frog that stuff when crocheted, I dare ya! Can you say nightmare?
What's my beloved hook good for?
- Crocheting is THE process for making items with structure, IMHO.
- C'mon, granny squares and doilies...OMG I love them!!! I'm serious.
- Be gone with those charts! Freeform finds it home in hook and yarn.
- Despite its reputation as kitsch, there is an amazing array of patterns, books, resources and designers who call crochet their own. Good crocheting company and some amazing creations to be had. So there!
- Knitting the Vegetable Liberation Army? Aaaaah, no. Ever tried to knit an eyeball out of crochet thread? Yeah, lame.
What can I say? I am just a yarn 'ho deep down. I've been knitting and crocheting for 29 years, that's 144 in dog years, and I love each and every stitch I've made, I'm presently making and will continue to make long after the current craft frenzy has fizzled.