Sunday, March 05, 2006

Princess Leah Leia O'Lantern

Unfortunately for the kids next door, Gordy and Geordy Gourd, Leah O'Lantern Princess Leia O'Lantern has watched Star Wars one too many times.

When Leah approached the Brothers Gourd about coming over to her patch to play Star Wars, neither Cucurbitaceae youngster envisioned becoming buns on the side of a wig! No, the boys were thinking wookies or storm troopers or something a bit more, um, interactive...With blasters! After all, boys will be boys, even ones of the squash variety. Face it, role playing donuts on a wig just isn't manly.
Humiliated but much the wiser, Gordy and Geordy Gourd now hide under the soil when they see Leah heading over to their patch to inquire if they're available for a play date...
Crochet Stats
Pattern: Monster Crochet O'Lantern Pattern (To be released eventually...)
Yarn: Koigu KPPPM (This is my new favorite fiber!)
Hook: C2
Miscellaneous: My daughter wants Gordy (dark green eyes) very badly. So much so that I had to hide the little gourd so that she wouldn't abscond with him before photographing!
Copyright 2006 Regina Rioux Gonzalez. All rights reserved.


StarKnits said...

love leia! love leah! love the gourds they look so fun! love love love! you do great work

Jessica said...

Ha! I love it!

~drew emborsky~ said...

Now I have that gold bikini image in my head..... ;)

Kimberly said...

lol - just loving the story of the gourds! Have to love a self proclaimed princess!

Great job once again!

Deneen said...

They are fabulous! Using Koigu KPPPM for gourds though, ouch!

Anonymous said...

Gordy does have very attractive eyes! But they are all fab, of course...

LadyLinoleum said...

You know Deneen, it's scary to think what I spend on making all of my stuff now. This is why I am chained to my desk...have to pay for my Koigu habit.

Unknown said...

omg they are adorable!

Maria said...

Regina she's great, love the gourds, but it's the eyes that get me every time!!

dizzy von damn! said...

i want him too!

he has bedroom eyes.

Samantha said...

Love 'em!

Micky said...

I love that wookie, but this Leah comes in a close second!
As always, your imagination just takes my breath away.

natasha said...

when i was little, i went through i really long phase of wearing the buns everyday. as i dark haired girl, any powerful/pretty woman was my fave...and! i thought/think that han solo's devil-may-care attitude and hottttt thigh holster was too much to bear. if my husband wore one, he might be perfect. in short, i love her and them, so cute. as usual. too cute to bear.

FinnyKnits said...

Where DO you keep all these fabulous creations? Your place must be a virtual yarn garden of freaky vegetables. My dream combo-- yarn and garden.

MonkeyGurrrrrl said...

Too friggin funny. Just when I think I can't be further amazed by your craftiness, you go a step further. Simply amazing.

stuffed said...

Love 'em! I completely understand where Leah is coming from but it would be much more...uh, fulfilling if she had them play Han and Chewy. ;)

vicki said...

regina, toooo cute as always girl, i love your veggies and all the monster crochet items you come up with. very talented indeed you are my friend. i bow to the princess and her buns the gourds LOL huggs

Susan Schwake said...

Wow! Gourds! Not just for Autumn anymore... love those eyes.

great work!

Mama Kelly said...

OMGs i adore that princess leia!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I replied to your post over at my LJ but just in case you don't see it, I love your latest stuff! I'm going through your Veggie Liberation stuff in another window right now and it's cracking me up!

I want to be corrupt and add eyeballs to my veggie baby toys (in my gallery starting at and going down), but while that might be appropriate for my kid, it won't make the potential publisher happy!

But your stuff is, as always, entirely awesome!

Soulknitting said...

LOVE Leia!!! She would go SOOOOO well with my Princess Leia watch!!! Shut up, I do to have one!!! From Burger King. Your crocheted version is PRICELESS!! Thanks for the giggles.