Anyway, this weekend was all about getting reacquainted with my family, friends and fibers. In accordance with this theme, I kicked off the holiday three day-er with an all day workshop on Saturday at one of my favorite local haunts, the Urban Craft Center, from one of my favorite fiber fiends, John Pitblado, on the fine art of fiber reactive dyes. It was awesome!
Now, I am familiar with this type of dye, having used it quite often as an undergrad in college. However, that, my friends, was a looooooong time ago. So, I needless to say, a refresher course was in order.
Just look at this lovely color...


More ribbon.



Rayon fabric.
The use of fiber reactive dyes differs a bit from that of their acid-based kin. Generally speaking they are more cumbersome in terms of their chemical components, application and final rinsing process. However, the results are really beautiful. Muted, natural beauty to be sure.
The resulting colors above are a nice contrast to my acid dyed wool below:

I really love the process of hand-dyeing fibers. For me, the color play involved satifies the latent painter within. I also enjoy the added benefit of the resulting unique yarns and fabrics than can then be incorporated into my design process. It just doesn't get much better than this!
Although I do tend to get equally excited about spinning...
And Sunday was all about that! Oh how I've missed my daily contact with my wheel! So, I got down to business and spun a few singles...

And worked on mastering my ply...

I'm really happy with the plied hank. So much so that I will be spinning up much more, enough for an actual project! I'm thinking knitting, but that may change. My mind is a jumble with ideas. I'll be sure to keep you posted...
I'm so happy to be back! Definitely ready for some regularly scheduled posts and catching up with what you all have been doing. Thanks so much for your patience and understanding!
Happy Monday everyone!
I just love the way your handspun is looking! The plied one looks great.
I want to raid your yarn stash! Lovely colours and textures.
You just "take" to everything now, don't cha?
I am trying the acid dyes this week and very excited about it-which method did you use (stovetop, crock pot, mason jars)-do tell (you know how damn nosy I am?)
The dyed yarns are fabulous ! So is the hand spun. You are one talented lady, can't wait to see what it all becomes.
Great stuff. I haven't played with dye much but now I'm "dye-ing" to try it!
Welcome back!!! We were at the UCC on Friday night, the day before you, needle felting! Very fun place.
Wow... you're building an awesome yarn stash!!!!
welcome back!
I am still trying to decide what to do with my gift! what a nice problem to have! :) thanks!
oh the yarn!!! *foam*
wow...very good...i love colours and textures bamboo.
That's some amazing spinning! I'm usually not much for browns and naturals (gimme the bright, obnoxious colors nobody else wants and I'm happy), but that's some seriously awesome yarn.
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