Oh yes, I did say fear.
You see my peeps, I am a fudger of fiber. Oh I know it looks as though my works are technically sound, and for the most part, this is true, BUT (and this is a big but), I tend to not get too hung up on perfection as I like to finish objects born of my crafty pursuits on a regular basis. Getting caught up in the technical minutiae seems to be my own personal precursor for project abandonment, and I hate having lots of WIPs cluttering my world. I'm kinda big on the whole beginning-middle-end type o' process.
With this said, I believe that the fudge component in sewing to be relatively slim as compared to the other needle arts. I mean, once the fabric is cut there is no going back and mistakes? Yeah well, they become a bit of a challenge to hide. If you are sensing that I suffer from a slight case of sewing neurosis right about now then you're right on the money.
My cure? Classes with Russell at the Sewing Arts Center! Yes, indeedy. He's an awesome teacher! Lest we forget my apron foray...Well, after feeling more confident post apron, I decided to take my needle and threading to the next level and try the skirt class. After 4 sessions I finished this lovely A-line diddy...

I even set in a zipper...

I can feel your ooohs and aaahs right now.
Really though, I haven't felt this accomplished for a long time, and I have a ready-for-Spring Squid Skirt to show for it! Yay!
This month, I'm taking a quilting class...may the force be with me.
P.S., Many, many thanks to everyone for your kind comments on my last post. I'm in for a trying year and it's a comfort to know that you guys are out there sending me good vibes. Hugs all around!
Excellent! Very squiddy! I love it! And quilting - easy peasy. I can do quilting, no problem. I have made 3 quilts for wedding presents for friends. And I don't even know how to knit yet, and I can only do one kind of crochet stitch. I'm good at cross stitching. So you see, even with my skills, quilting is within the realm. It will surely be a walk in the park for you!
hey, great job on that skirt! The zipper turned out awesome. I am a quick-and-dirty/fudgy person too, and sewing often frustrates me with all of the ripping out of seams and redo-ing that I usually end up doing. But I'm glad to see you're taking the challenge head on (and succeeding).
p.s. heads up, I'm giving away a crochet/amigurumi book on my blog so tell everyone to enter.
You are doing beautifully on the sewing. Taking classes is an awesome way to get some sewing confidence. I've been sewing for years but, still look for classes to help my skills. The neurosis will pass. You can read about my fear of applique here http://lolanovablog.blogspot.com/2008/09/great-pant-caper.html
I'm still working on it.
I've been enjoying your blog for a while. I had a brief crochet affair in 2006, but could never quite make the commitment (and I suck). Your blog has almost lured me back for a second fling. Thanks.
Super squiddy cute! Way to rock the sewing machine.
Yay Heather Ross fabric! I just got some of her mermaid and squidly fabric :)
I think that skirt turned out lovely.
Squid apron! Oh my! Does that fabric come in green? I really, really want a Cthulhu apron!
Lovely skirt, lovely fabric!
oh! I'm so in love with your skirt. I must have it. where, oh where do you find your fabrics?
I might just try my hand at sewing again if I had some of that lovely squid fabric to work with. Usually, when I attempt a sewing project I give myself a migraine--I think it is from clenching my jaw the whole time and the stress induced by multiple uses of the seam-ripper. My wool never does this to me...
Ditto the others - great skirt! I would love to get into sewing again. Gotta get a machine, tho. Maybe I'll just work on crochetting more and figuring out how to keep the kittens from playing with my yarn! :)
Yay! Isn't sewing fun? I used to sew very seriously, but I haven't for some time. You will probably inspire me -- you usually do! :)
The skirt looks great!!!
Fudging is my little friend. I tend to drive my heavy-on-the-left-brain DD crazy with my whacka-do attitude!
Squid Skirt is Kick Ass! You can wear it and kick a squid's assy-tentatcles! You are AMAZING! Need I say more?
A very astute observation; sewing does require attention to detail and a whole lot of patience. (Just ask me about those wee elephants!) That being said, your skirt looks fabulous! Well done.
I saw that fabric on etsy and its wonderful. I know enough about sewing to be dangerous, althoug we stick to elastic waists here because zippers are too scary. I would love to learn to do them though because I have some ideas for a pillow cover that requires a zipper closure.
I am another quick and dirty girl too. lol Glad to know I am in excellent company!
I have put off making full body wearables because of all the sewing "rules" (the grain, the proper laying out of the pattern, etc), so I know what you mean. The skirt is beautiful, the zipper work is great (ah zippers :) and I love the fabric.
Spring Squid Skirt??!! Awesome.
And your zipper looks good - congratulations.
Wonderful! You are the special!
where can I find that fabric? It's FANTASTIC!
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