I just finished writing up the patterns for the Pie-rets AND the Fruit Tart Fascinator! Now peeps everywhere can wear their pies (and tarts) as well as eat them!
I have put all three crochet Pie-ret patterns in the pack...Pecan, Lattice Crust and Pumpkin! As a bonus I added the Fruit Tart Fascinator for those so inclined. That's four fab patterns in one! Never too early to get started on your holiday gifties...
Pattern is available on my sidebar. Let's hear it for woolen pie!
Um, yeah.
Just had to come over and share a link with you...
I got it from comments on Bent Objects, have you been there?
Yay for pie! I am not the most proficient crochet-er but I must have pie.
Whoo hoo!! My order's in your box, and I'm so tickled! Thank you so much for working up these patterns for us. They totally RAWK!
I just had to say - I love these soo much. Might just have to order the pattern once I improve my crochet skills just a bit. :)
This is really nice posy....
Crochet Guide
They look very delicious :)
Great works, these pies are gorgeous!!
oredered and paid for patterns on 11/11/10 and would like to knoe progress.
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