Here's another example of one of my woven diamond shawls. This version, however, was woven entirely from my homespun, which in turn, was spun up from some of my crazy carded batts, a technique I learned from Lexi Boeger at Camp Pluckyfluff last fall. Each diamond is a little different (or a lot different, depending upon your viewpoint) and I have to admit, upon first arrangement of the diamonds into their final shawl form, I thought the project looked a little too nutty even for me! Nonetheless, I threw caution to the wind and proceeded anyway. I am nothing if not a taker of risks.

I put everything and the kitchen sink into those batts. There is leftover yarn, old Christmas tinsel, fabric, wads of knotted thread...The batts were nutty to be sure. However, the whole lot of diamonds seem to be pulled together by the black crocheted borders...whew!
Definitely a fun project that worked up fairly quickly.
Project Stats
Loom: Hazel Rose 12" Diamond Loom
Wheel: Lendrum DT (purchased at Paradise Fibers)
Drum Carder: Louet 8" Standard Carder (purchased at Village Spinning and Weaving)
Yarn: LadyLinoleum's Schizophrenic Homespun & Brown Sheep Lanaloft in black
Are you getting the feeling that my house looks like some weird fiber sweat shop???
Copyright 2009 Regina Rioux Gonzalez. All rights reserved.
Very awesome. I talked to the "spinning lady" yesterday and I told her I was afraid it wouldn't be perfect (my yarn) and she laughed and said "You want perfect yarn, go buy it at the store-handspun yarn is everything and anything and that's what makes it so great.
Another awesome creation! Your nutty yarn is so much fun. I have spun in your living room so I can truly say it is a weird fiber sweat shop of the best kind ever! Lucky me to have entered the inner sanctum.
I am taking that class at the end of April and I must say it was your glowing post about it that sold me on it. :)
This is beautiful! What facinating yarn, I have got to take up spinning.
That is amazing!
That. Is. Breath-taking.
This shawl is amazing. I love your blog and had to add it to my blog links on my blog page.
Wow! That's gorgeous! I've always wanted to weave. Congrat on the lovely yarn!
It looks like monarch wings, bet it's even nicer in person with all the extra stuff in it :)
Gorgeous! I agree that the black borders brings it all together. Perfect choice.
That really does look like monarch wings-lovely!
BTW, I know you've questioned if your Crochet Today patterns are "you" enough...I'll have you know that when I open the magazine up my hubby can instantly spot which patterns are yours! How's that for a recognizable style! :)
Hmmm fiber sweatshop, yup that's what my house looks like at waist level, at floor level it's a dog toy storage company. I must get a drum carder, then all the wierd crap that i've been saving forever will have a legitmate use. Love the shawl and all it represents.
very nice your blog..
Absolutely amazing, I have never seen anything quite like it, but it's brilliant. I love the way you've put all those techniques together to form such an amazing piece. Well done, keep creating, you are very good at it. :)
It's gorgeous!! The difference in the diamonds and the way they're held together by the black crochet reminds me of a stained glass window. Very, very beautiful.
Beautifully work:)
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