Now, I gotta tell you peeps that I LOVE spinning. It is a process that rivals knitting and crocheting for me. In fact, when I'm feeling down I often think that sleeping next to my Lendrum would sooth my bereft soul. Then I actually come to terms with the logistics of this notion and opt for snoozing with my cat instead. Poo Poo Kitty is nice and squishy. Much easier to cuddle up with. So, my Lendrum remains next to my chair, at the ready, whenever I'm feeling the need for some spinning meditation and just look what we've been creating together lately...

Purty eh?
I spun eight ounces of Mountain Colors Handpainted Targhee Roving, in their Moccasin colorway, into singles on my Lendrum. Then I plied it with the leftover gold thread from my first quilt on my Mach I. Since my Mach I's arrival at my condo it's become my primary wheel for plying. Doesn't matter the size, weight or crazy factor of the yarn I'm spinning, I always seem to use it for the plying process.
Next up, look at this wacky color combo...

I used a Donna Batt (Battman Batt from Material Whirled) for the singles that make up this yarn. Then I plied it with some leftover pastel variegated lace weight mohair.
Neato eh?
I gotta tell you all that rarely do I look at a batt and think I MUST HAVE THIS NOW. However, the minute I saw the Donna Batt, I thought just that. I told Reenie that this colorway is so wrong that is just right. She responded by telling me that we should have t-shirts printed with that statement on it. Sounds like a good idea to me!
Needless to say, I have more Donna Batts on the way. Ultimately, I have special plans for this yarn...
gorgeous! ^_^
I really want to get into spinning at some point.... I have never spun my own yarn but am really wanting to learn. You have inspired me (yet again) :) xxxxxx
Love, love, love the yarns. Spinning is my relaxation therapy. Better than a day at the spa! Well...maybe. :-)
Beautimous yarn. And I have to agree that spinning is so relaxing, it's my form of meditation these days.
I have never tried spinning - not sure I ever will but I absolutely love what beautiful skeins can be created!
Yours are truely scrummy!!
Beautiful yarn... Can't wait to see what it becomes!
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