Despite my, err, reservations about our collective abilities to tackle such a gigantor project, in hindsight I'm happy to report that Jenna's idea was indeed a masterful one. Not only did we make an awesome heirloom for our beloved Jenny and her man, but Jenna and I found out that we make a pretty darn good quilting team. Before going into the gory details, feast your eyes on the results of our laborious journey...

Oh, and yeah, that would be the Double Irish Chain quilt pattern...I know, we're nuts.
Here are some detail shots...

Now for the gory quilting details!
As it turns out, I rather enjoy cutting PERFECT strips of fabric over and over and over again. Actually, it's kinda meditative. Jenna, on the other hand, doesn't mind chain piecing strip after strip after bloody strip. Oh and pressing? We both are good with a steaming hot iron. Go figure! After having the strips assembled, I sub-cut 'em for more assemblage. This time we both took to our machines for an anal exercise of matching up corners and seams. Once the individual blocks were assembled we both laid them out on the floor and simultaneously gasped at the size of the behemoth we were putting together. I then went back to my machine to assemble the top. Jenna was on iron duty at that point. Once assembled, we tag-teamed the borders and backing, readying ourselves for the homestretch, pinning the layers. Quilt pinned, it was time for Jenna to machine quilt the top (not my favorite portion of the program) and she did a wonderful job I might add. Top quilted, I attached the binding around the entire front edge with my machine. We then put an end to our co-quilting journey by spending a week's worth of lunch hours hold up in one of the cube farm's conference rooms, tacking down the binding to the back of the quilt with needles, thread, thimbles and thousands of hand sewn blind stitches.
Whew, makes me tired just writing all of that! But I gotta tell ya all, it was so worth it. As not only did I have the privilege of spending myriad Sundays in craft with Jenna, but I was able to witness the joy on Jenny's face when we presented her with her gift...

It just doesn't get much better than that...
Beautiful quilt !!! What a fantastic gift for all involved.
We're so fabulous, its painful to behold.
Such an amazing story and quilt!
It's beautiful!
This is amazing and beautiful!! Thanks for sharing it with the world! :)
Three words: I'M NOT WORTHY! I am lucky to be the recipient of this labour of love. I appreciate all the blood, sweat, tears, thread, cutting, hand sewing, internal cursing, measuring, binding, and love that went into this quilt!
Awesome possum. What a gift of love! You two rocked the quilt.
You chicks rock! Thank you thank you thank you. We really appreciate it. -RKP
I understood very little of what you painstakingly explained, but I can say, BEAUTIFUL QUILT!!! I've seen them, I am amazed that people actually make them, and yours is gorgeous. Jenny is a lucky dawg, on a lot of levels. :) HUZZAH!
I love the quilt, the fabric and probably the expressions on the co-workers faces if they managed to get a glimpse at the project. You are as always an inspiration to me and my art/craft.
Also my flock says "chirp".
Stunning! What a wonderful gift to receive.
Oh!Very Beautiful!
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Very nice! I love it :)
That's an incredible quilt! What a wonderful gift!
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